Hello, my name is Emily and I am a student at The University of Rio Grande Valley. I know that as a student and future educator hands-on activities are essential during the class time since some students are bodily-kinesthetic learners. I currently work as a daycare teacher and see how students need hands-on activities to remember or help in their distance learning. When I was in school it was fun working with math and using items to solve the problems. Foldables to write the notes helped me memorize the steps easier. I wanted to ask how can we include these foldable and hands-on activities during online learning without the students getting frustrated and rather have fun.
Hi Emily! I observed many early childhood classrooms during my undergrad semester and learned that using the childrens' interests can make the foldables fun. Most of the children enjoyed coloring and painting, so the teachers often allowed them to make their foldables colorful and full of graphics.
If students are virtual learners, they can do this online by using Kami. Kami is the world's #1 digital classroom tool that is free to use and allows teachers to make learning fun and interactive.
Hello Emily!
I understand your concern with hands-on activities while learning virtually. This can definitely be a struggle, however, I think there are various ways to still incorporate those hands-on activities from a distance. The 'We Are Teachers' website provides 55 easy science experiments. Pinterest also has many science experiments and foldable activities for students to do at home. Another alternative could be setting up a time for your students to individually (with their parent) pick up a pre-made kit from the school to take home and complete. Whichever you may choose, I hope my suggestions bring about some fun and exciting learning for your students.
Hi, Emily! My name is Macy Harris and I am a third-year elementary education major at Wartburg College in Iowa! Distance Learning has made it quite difficult for educators in the area- it's not as fun to not have the students with us physically! Personally, I think a great way to incorporate hands-on activities virtually is to create lesson plans that utilize home supplies. Taking into account that not all adolescents have guardians that will go and buy materials or have the extra money laying around for that. In addition to this, I have a family friend who is an educator who created bags of supplies, collected the students' addresses, and left the bag on their front porch/in the mailbox. This way all students got the same opportunities as others!
Hope this helps!
Macy Harris
Hi Emily!
Distance learning can be difficult, especially if you have the older chidren who are used to being in the classroom gaining the hands on experience in class. The best way that I have used to make online learning a bit easier, is to gather information on things that your students enjoy. Then you can center your learning around those different topics. Plus, it will be student centered that way and you will be able to get more conversation with them!
Hi, Emily. My name is Michaela Dehli and I am an education major at Wartburg College in Iowa. Going through college with distance learning made it ahrd for me to engage in content as well as my younger sisters (grades 4 and 8) struggled as well. I think incorporating hands-on activities is beneficial for all students comprehension and HOTS skills. Creating lessons like a 'cooking show' where you are demonstrating and students are able to complete the same task you are is one way that I have found increases student engagement. As well as whenever possible get students outside to explore and learn through inquiry.
I hope this is helpful!
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