Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025


Forums / Pre-service Teachers / Fighting Within My Self

Pre-service Teachers

Fighting Within My Self

Author Post
Merissa Taylor Merissa Taylor 315 Points

Hey yall! My name is Merissa Taylor and I am a junior at Francis Marion. I will graduate in spring of 2024. I have wanted to be a teacher ever since I could remember. I love children, helping children, and just being the role model that most of them need in their life. As I have been in college and honestly since covid happened, it is almost like the world has changed, and also the attitude of education has changed. It is hard to gain respect from students and also other students in college around me. I have fought with myself of getting my degree and to start teaching or to get my masters and see how the schools will be like then in three years. I want to be a teacher and my heart wants me to be a teacher too. But with the world being so scary and the schools getting worse and worse it scares me. Not only that but I believe that educators and teachers do not get enough respect and recognition for everything that we go through and do in our jobs. I just want to know if I am the only one that feels like this or if anyone might have any advice. Thank you! 

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