Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p4


Forums / General Science and Teaching / Shell Lab Grant & Where One Goes From There

General Science and Teaching

Shell Lab Grant & Where One Goes From There

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Teaching science is challenging, typically due to a lack of resources, among other matters. This past year, I participated in the Shell Lab Grant competition. I became one of four National Finalists for the grant, earning $8500.00 in resources to begin to put a lab together at my school. I teach middle school science in a converted mall. This definitely means no lab and a lack of resources. Through the Shell Grant, I've been able to begin equipping my classroom with some well-deserved and necessary laboratory materials. I have some stuff now to teach my classes! That's only the beginning! The Shell Lab Grant began opening doors. The most significant thus far is my participation in CIAN, RET, another avenue for additional funding ( ) . I have been participating in microelectronics research with Dr. Korivi and Dr. Jiang at Tuskegee University in Alabama this summer. Aspects of this research is to be implemented in some PBL projects this school year. Further, I earned additional funding in resources to support these projects. I have also applied for other grants, which I am waiting for a response on, still. The Shell Lab Grant began with my wanting to improve our lab situation, but is resulting in many new endeavors to support my students and my instruction. Looking forward to where it takes me next.

Ruth Hutson Ruth Hutson 64785 Points

Congratulations! What types of equipment are you purchasing to outfit your lab?

Amanda Upton Amanda Upton 6190 Points

Great to hear your lab is coming together!

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