The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / New Teachers / Calling all educators, both classroom and informal! Are you interested in adding to your curriculum to meet STEM standards? Consider AMS DataStreme Courses-Tution Assistance

New Teachers

Calling all educators, both classroom and informal! Are you interested in adding to your curriculum to meet STEM standards? Consider AMS DataStreme Courses-Tution Assistance

Author Post
Diane Ripollone Diane Ripollone 3610 Points

Please bear with the long post. The American Meteorological Society has started its registration for next semester of courses. If you teach about the Atmosphere, Ocean, or Climate, this is a great way to boost your knowledge. If you are interested, please see below.

American Meteorological Society DataStreme courses are great way to get some background on Atmosphere, Climate and Ocean.   It creates opportunities to be an earth science leader and local expert in your school, district, and state. Materials not only invigorate your own confidence in teaching these topics, but also align with the NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas for Earth and Space Science, specifically ESS2.C, ESS2.D, ESS3.B, ESS3.C, and ESS3.D. Addresses NGSS Crosscutting Concepts: Patterns, Cause and Effect, Energy and Matter, Systems and System Models, Stability and Change. Below is information for Teachers, you can use this information to find your LIT Mentor in your area. 

Enrollment is open and the deadline for participants to be matched to Mentor Teams and complete both the AMS and the PennWest registration process is August 11 .

By leveraging grant funding, each DataStreme course costs participants a fraction of total tuition value of over $1900 per semester. Participant costs=Fall 2022/Spring 2023: $400 per course.

****Important Note- The First 35 participants for each course (DataStreme Atmosphere, Climate, and Ocean) will have tuition assistance. Its important that you sign up immediately on the Interest Form. This can be found on the DataStreme Course Website***

Academic fee covers full access to PennWest course management system and support staff. AMS fee contributes to providing course content including textbooks and lab manuals, which alone are a $144 value, and partially supports staff to administer the program

Successful participants will receive three (3) hours of graduate credit in science through PennWest. The main cost to you (besides the academic fee) is your time – time to complete the weekly investigations. This course will require 4 to 6 hours of focused work each week depending on your science background and experience. 

Successful completion of two courses is the main requirement to becoming an AMS Certified Teacher

For additional information, please visit the DataStreme Course website 

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are interested in participating in a DataStreme course during the next academic semester (currently Fall 2022) and are notMentor Teams, please fill out this Interest Form

For more information, please contact Diane Ripollone

Work: [email protected]

Home: [email protected]

Ms. D Ripollone

Earth Science, Astronomy, Forensics and Robotics

Cardinal Gibbons High School

1401 Edwards Mill Rd

Raleigh, NC, 27607

Twitter: @rippie77 

Ms. Rip's Blog:

2022 NASA Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors

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