NARIKA_December Campaign


Forums / New Teachers / Nature of Science Integration

New Teachers

Nature of Science Integration

Author Post
David Michl David Michl 573 Points

Hello! My name is David Michl, and I'm currently a fifth-year Integrated Sciences student completing his practicum in a seventh grade science classroom. My student teaching begins in the spring, and I will soon be buried in lesson plans for the season. I've taken it upon myself to try and integrate a focus on Nature of Science in my instructional methods for my students, to try and contextualize their learning to higher scientific practices. I'm open to any advice anyone may offer about integrating NOS into lesson plans. I've been having class discussions/pair share for students to explicitly reflect on how NOS was used, but am looking for some different methods to keep them from getting burnt out on NOS by having to discuss it every single time.  Thanks in advance!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

David, I went to Explore All Resources and searched for the Nature of Science, then made sure I chose middle school. I found some things you may be interested in looking through: There are NSTA Collections, User resources, and Conference Materials.

David Michl David Michl 573 Points

Thank you very much! A lot of these resources are quite good, and I've used a handful of them over the last two weeks when finalizing some lessons. Thank you so much for the help!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

You're welcome!

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