PETA Foundation - August 30 2024


Forums / Elementary Science / Safety Rules

Elementary Science

Safety Rules

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Brenda Lopez Brenda Lopez 765 Points

Hello, what are some vital rules that you would give your children before a science class?

Alexandra Viera Alexandra Viera 435 Points

Hello Brenda, When it comes to safety in the classroom there are many vital rules that you should give your children before a science class. It is very important to make sure that all students understand your basic classroom rules. Also, you should make sure that before you begin an activity that you go through the activity and make sure that all of the safety precautions are met. Also, you should make sure that you have all the materials that are are working correctly and safe to use. Also, make sure that students understand that there are precautions to be taken. The students must also be wearing safety clothes and safety goggles. The students should also be aware of how to go about every situation that may arise whether it is a spill or breaking of materials.

Karina Penate Karina Penate 10955 Points

Teaching a lesson this semester on plants, animals and adaptations, I learned it is important to outline EVERY little detail of what not to do in a science lesson. I think an important theme to share with students is "how would a real scientist behave?" I believe this could outline what sort of professionalism and behavior should be carried out in the science classroom. Younger students of course want to follow the example set forth by what the teacher is saying. Now, I say that it is important to outline everything for the following reason: I asked my students to study different plants right outside their building and asked them to "use all their senses to collect observations" in relation to similarities and differences. Perhaps I should have mentioned the students are not allowed to taste or lick the trees (as they so dedicatedly did, following my instructions). Think up of everything and anything a "real" scientist would behave like!

Katherine Teijeiro Katherine Teijeiro 660 Points

It's important to look at your plans and think: what trouble can a kid get into? Maybe you're working with liquids. Create rules around that so they know how to go about using the materials. Don't drink the liquid. Keep the liquid at your table. A good rule to always start with is follow directions exactly. This will minimize accidents in the classroom.

Kathryn Bennett Kathryn Bennett 1150 Points

We have a "Science Safety contract which all students must "sign" at the beginning of the year. here's the wording: I will… 1. act responsibly at all times. 2. wear goggles to protect my eyes. 3. wear protective clothing (gloves, apron, etc.) when necessary. 4. not eat or drink in the lab unless my teacher tells me to. 5. smell chemicals by practicing the technique of wafting. 6. follow fire safety procedures. 7. handle animals only with permission and care. 8. clean up my spills and messes (when it’s safe to do so). I promise to abide by these rules when in the Science Lab. Failure to comply with these rules may result in removal from the activity or lab. This year, we created a poster of the safety contract. Then, we went over the rules and then each child "signed" the poster with their choice of sharpie. This made it easy to have new students learn the rules and sign the poster throughout the year!


Kathryn Bennett Kathryn Bennett 1150 Points

I forgot to mention! I have a rule in my classroom that the other labs don't necessarily have: the students don't touch anything unless I tell them it's safe. Just in case... I teach in a Lab, so there is a lot of mischief they can get into if they get their hands on supplies they shouldn't have.

Justine Buzon Justine Buzon 895 Points

YES! I think a Science Safety Contract is a great tool to use at the beginning of the year. Going over the safety rules will help prevent (hopefully) any accidents in the lab or the classroom. I remember "signing" safety contracts back when I was in elementary-high school and should still be implemented to this day!

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

My first and most important rule is that they are not to touch any equipment until I tell them too. That gives you time to explain the experiment and procedures to follow.

Ashley Castillo Ashley Castillo 390 Points

I would always make my students and their parents sign a safety contract. With doing so you will be sure the students are aware of the rules set in class and the expectations you have for them. I think a few big safety rules, especially in an Elementary setting, is to always listen to the instructor, remain seated until told otherwise, and always walk in the classroom. Running in a science lab is very dangerous.

Stephanie Guevara Stephanie Guevara 480 Points

I believe the most important rules are for the students to only use the materials in an orderly manner, and to always listen and follow the directions. There are many times when the teacher hands out the supplies, and the students automatically start touching them without following the directions. Having those two rules emphasized as the most important one in the classroom can avoid any occurrences that may happen during the lesson.

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