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Early Childhood


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Amaya Vega Amaya Vega 355 Points

What are some examples of simple yet effective experiments to do with young students?

Linda Ngo Linda Ngo 2785 Points

You can help students make tiny plants to grow. You can purchase a small plastic cup, dirt, and plant seeds. In the classroom, Each of the students will decorate their cups with their name on it so they will know which plants belongs to them. You can show them how to set them up by telling them to mixed dirt and plant seed. They will be leaving the plants outside by the door and you can spray it on their plants daily. Every week, the students can draw a picture of how their plants turned out and label on what they drew. For example, one of your student's plant grew and there was a caterpillar on their plant that appears. So, the students will draw of how their plants looked like and label the plant, dirt, seed, and caterpillar

Tasneem Khalil Tasneem Khalil 3870 Points

I did many experiments with my 2nd and 3rd grade students. Some examples I will share with you can be done in between those grades, which I think is developmentally appropriate. First, I spoke to my students about dissolving and had each small group of the students observe the M&M candy in a cup of water. The students had a cup of water with an M&M candy in it on each table, which they made a chart on what they predict will happen then discuss with the class. After a couple minutes later, the class will share what they observed. This experiment is really engaging and simple. The students had different perspective and that is good to have everyone learn from their peers as well. Another experiment I want to share with you is that I made a volcanic eruption with a mini bottle covered with red play-doh. I first had the volcano on a tray so it wouldn't get messy. I poured in baking powder, dish soap, red food coloring, and vinegar. I demonstrated this in a whole group. Using all those products represented a volcanic eruption. The students were engaged and amazed with this experiment. To show how a tsunami looks like, I showed a quick and simple presentation. I had a clear container filled with water half way and blew into it with a straw which my students comprehended that quickly. They explained to me why that was a tsunami that I demonstrated to them. They say its an earthquake underwater or in the ocean which is called a tsunami. Their are so many cool experiments that can be simply done in a classroom and I think it really helps children to learn better.

Samantha Coyle Samantha Coyle 2255 Points

Since I feel like your M&M experiment focuses on then color bleeding into the water, I thought I would mention one that I saw the other day. You take warm/hot water, and place the M&M in it. After a short time, the M comes off, and you are able to pick it up on to your finger! You could google this to find the exact instructions, but I would plan on having to practice it a few times before presenting it.

Mirta Beiza Mirta Beiza 1240 Points

it sounds like a very fun yet interesting experiment to teach to my 3rd graders. I'm sure they are going to love it!

Thanh Nguyen Thanh Nguyen 1185 Points

Wow, the activity you shared sound really fun and engaging. I actually want to be a second grader teacher so this activity is definitely a plus for me. You made it seems so fun and engaging and I think that is really important when it comes to teaching to young children. They learn better when they are having fun. I also really like how you used M&M in the lesson, very awesome! Thank you for sharing this!

Cindy Rivera Cindy Rivera 3210 Points

Thank you for sharing the M&M experiment. This is an easy and fun experiment.

Marisol Rios Marisol Rios 1280 Points

Hi, i have attached a science first grade heating and cooling lesson plan, it might be helpful. It includes hands on activities that students will definitely enjoy. I hope this adds on to your collection.

Marisol Rios Marisol Rios 1280 Points

Hi, i have attached a science first grade heating and cooling lesson plan, it might be helpful. It includes hands on activities that students will definitely enjoy. I hope this adds on to your collection.

Angela Vogt Angela Vogt 1490 Points

What experiments do you recommend doing with 1st-2nd graders? I would love to incorporate some!

Samantha Coyle Samantha Coyle 2255 Points

I recommend looking on Pinterest. There are so many great and engaging experiments and demonstrations to use in the classroom. The trouble I have experienced is finding something really neat, but not finding an objective that aligns.

Christina Au Christina Au 2470 Points

I thought these two videos are really interesting. One is about force and other one is about light source. Grade 1: Force https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/first-grade-science-lesson Grade K-2: Investigation of Light https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/science-lesson-on-light Something simple that you might like to do is density: sinking and floating. I am a student teacher. When we were presenting our science demonstrations in class, one of my classmates used an orange to demonstrate sinking an floating. Before you begin, ask students to predict whether the orange would float or sink when placed in water. Then place the orange in water. The orange would float. Ask the students to predict whether the orange would float or sink when it is peeled and placed in water. Then peel the orange and place it in water. The orange would sink. You can also have a small container of water and different small objects (paper clips, beans, erasers, crayon) for each group of students. Have students predict whether each object would sink or float before placing them in the water container. Here is a density column demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CDkJuo_LYs I did this using only three layers (water with food coloring, corn syrup, and vegetable oil). I also added in Alka-Seltzer to make a lava lamp effect. Hope this helps!

Linda Ngo Linda Ngo 2785 Points

This link is very useful to use. I am definately gonna take a look at it.

Mirta Beiza Mirta Beiza 1240 Points

Really enjoyed the investigation of light video. I wish I would of known about this when I had my Kindergarten class. They would have enjoyed this!

Claire Ainsworth Claire Ainsworth 705 Points

Thanks for posting all of these resources. I did a similar lesson about sinking and floating with items from around the classroom. Students enjoyed it because they got to choose the items to test and they were able to make predictions regarding what they though would sink and float.

Susan Caceres Susan Caceres 1660 Points

sinking and floating inertia carbon dioxide in a plastic bag soil rockets lights and connections ( how we have electricity)

Idara Atai Idara Atai 1285 Points

Matter has many simple option with experiment choices. So does volume, density, and reactions like vinegar and baking soda( producing air).

Christina Diaz Christina Diaz 250 Points

Science is all around us, therefore, I think planning for a simple lesson will be extremely easy for you. I found the following website to be helpful: http://www.education.com/activity/kindergarten/science/ The younger students are intrigued by hands-on activities, you could do something with the five senses, outdoor habitats, energy, paint, etc. Good luck!

Amy Damiani Amy Damiani 1640 Points

Thank you for all your posts! I am really excited for quick yet effective experiments to keep the students engaged! This is my first time reading through this website and I can see it will be extraordinarily helpful!

KIm Nguyen Kim Nguyen 1005 Points

I'm am currently learning about a meal worm experiment myself, and I feel that it would be a great experiment for children. You just place meal worms in a container filled with oatmeal; they are very low maintenance but children will be excited begin that they are live animals. You could do an experiment on how they act/react in different lighting (they are active in the dark and hide when there's light). This is an easy, quick, effective experiment that can be done anywhere, anytime!

Samantha Coyle Samantha Coyle 2255 Points

Doing this experiment myself, I think it would be better as a class thing as opposed to individual. While they are low maintenence, I think this is the best option. As you are not at school 24/7, it would be awesome if you could some how have a camera on them that you can watch in a faster speed to see what happened throughout the whole week when you may not have been looking.

Daniel Carroll Daniel Carroll 18610 Points

I would use Experimental Design extensively. Independent Variable - Dependent Variable Paper Helicopters is very good. Many variables to change, many dependent variables to measure.

Samantha Coyle Samantha Coyle 2255 Points

Being able to manipulate aspects is important, so I like that you mentioned this. Great way to get students thinking, predicting, and problem solving!

Ariana Cruz Ariana Cruz 1225 Points

I am currently trying to put together a demonstration for this fourth grade TEK: (5) Matter and energy. The student knows that matter has measurable physical properties and those properties determine how matter is classified, changed, and used. The student is expected to: C: compare and contrast a variety of mixtures and solutions such as rocks in sand, sand in water, or sugar in water. Can anyone recommend a good demonstration I could do in class for this TEK?

Lori Gillespie Lori Gillespie 3030 Points

My fourth and fifth grade students really enjoy the experiment where we blow up a balloon by creating gas in a clear jar when we mix vinegar and baking soda together. Also when we are learning about the different taste buds we all take a saltine cracker and chew it up, then we spit it out and wait a moment then next put it back in our mouths to finish eating it. The first time it taste salty the second time it taste sweet and this helps me introduce the subject about tastebuds or how saliva breakdown the cracker and can begin to turn it into sugar. It can be used in many ways and the kids like it but it is gross to some of them.

Diana Ponce Diana Ponce 1615 Points

For my second grade class, we observed and played with oobleck. Oobleck is a suspension of cornstarch and water that can behave like a solid or a liquid depending on how much pressure you apply. Try to grab some in your hand and it will form a solid ball in your palm just until you release the pressure, then it will flow out between your fingers. Materials that behave this way are classified as non-Newtonian. The kids loved it!

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