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Life Science

Living vs. Nonliving things

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Rachel Chaple Rachel Chaple 610 Points

Hello everyone, I wanted to know different inputs on how you teach living vs. nonliving things in your classroom? I'd love to explore fun, engaging, unique ways that teachers teach this concept! I don't like to see reading straight from a book, I love hands-on or active learning activities! Thanks! 

Sarah Horan Sarah Horan 2255 Points

I have been using a modified version of Astrobiobound in my class. Not only does it teach living vs. nonliving things, it allows students to practice design thinking.

Shalen Boyer Shalen Boyer 5850 Points

I set out ten items around my room and the kids have to determine and explain if the item is non-living or living. For example, a candle that is burning, a seashell, an acorn, a beaker of baker's yeast that has been prepped ahead of time with warm water and sugar. Before I set them loose they have to come up with at least 5 "requirements" for the item to be living or non-living. After they've made the rounds through all the items we go over it in class and discuss whether or not it met the living requirements.

Katherine Chambers Katherine Chambers 2355 Points

Hello, I definitely think you should explore as much as you can around the school. Take the students on a field trip around the school and discuss EVERYTHING you see. Observing things in the classroom is great, but students should also be able to relate what they learn to things they see in their environment. If your school has a garden, take them to see the different plants. If not you can still see rocks, trees, mulch, birds, ants, etc. Introduce the topic to the students that way to engage them, and then take them back in the classroom to continue the conversation. Getting them engaged in the beginning of the lesson is key!

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