Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Elementary Science / Kindergarten Science Lesson

Elementary Science

Kindergarten Science Lesson

Author Post
Alexandra Boggs Alexandra Boggs 190 Points

Hello! I am a preservice teacher who is currently observing in a kindergarten classroom for the semester. I am struggling to come up with a lesson that could keep students engage for a time span of 20 minutes. I am wanting the lesson topic to cover living and non-living things. Does anyone have any suggestions for the lesson or an element of the lesson? Thanks so much for your help!

Beverly DeVore-Wedding Bev DeVore-Wedding 7168 Points

You could have rea l samples of each (animals constrained probably)-that can keep students thinking for longer than 20 minutes alone. If you don't want to bring in real samples, then have pictures for them to sort-pictures should be 8 x 11.5 " or so they are easily recognized. I would laminate them as well so you can use for other lessons and again. Then have them add to a list of other living-non-living things. Follow that with asking for what makes these things living? What makes these things nonliving? Beverly R. DeVore-Wedding *Graduate Student Assistant: **Framing the Chemistry Curriculum* *Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education* *206 Henzlik Hall* *University of Nebraska, Lincoln* *Lincoln NE 68588* [email protected] [email protected] 970.629.0731 *"Those who dare to teach must never cease to learn" * Mardy Murie from "Where the Mountains are Nameless by Jonathan Waterman, 2005 *Modified from Joseph Cotton Dana, 1912*

Wendy Hernandez Wendy Hernandez 915 Points

That sounds like a great idea, also you could take the class on a little "field trip." You could go outside and you can have some items numbered off students can write down the number and what each object is. Non-living or Living. Good luck -Wendy Hernandez

Brooke Caskey Brooke Caskey 1285 Points

You could use earthworms and a couple of nonliving objects like rocks and have the students look for similarities and differences in them. Another idea might be to go outside and have students create a t-chart with living on one side and non living on the other and have them draw pictures of a couple different things that they see outside.

Stephanie Lybarger stephanie Lybarger 875 Points

An easy activity would be to get real-life plants (small) and let the kids explore by recognizing the parts of the plant! This would definitely be a 20 minute lesson that you could show the kids. It doesn't even have to be in depth but simply letting them see a visual and explore maybe even take them outside to do this. Good Luck it will be great!

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