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Forums / Elementary Science / New Science teacher - resources, websites to use?

Elementary Science

New Science teacher - resources, websites to use?

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Hi there! I'm a 3rd grade teacher that is making the jump to becoming the science specialist at my school. I will be teaching all K-5 students at my school. Each class will come to me for 50 minutes a week. My school has very little in terms of resources and equipment. My principal has told me that she is willing to spend the money to help get me started (within reason of course). Any suggestions, especially on websites that I can utilize to order equipment and possibly websites to use with students on an interactive whiteboard? Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated! Chris

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Christopher, I recently put together a collection of websites for elementary science. I am attaching it. I hope it helps. It is the best sites I could find. Betty


Cori Coleman Cori Coleman 2685 Points

Engineering is Elementary is WONDERFUL!

Katie Logan Katie Logan 635 Points

Thanks for that list of websites, Betty! I love adding new websites to my arsenal of resources. I also second what Cori said about Engineering is Elementary! I wrote a grant last year to obtain some of their units after learning about them at the NSTA conference in San Antonio and have never seen my students so engaged.

Elizabeth Cooke Elizabeth Cooke 7245 Points

Hello Christopher, I am in a similar situation. I teach Literacy through Science for grades K though 5 at my school. I'm also looking for resources as well as first day activities. I will look into EIE. - Elizabeth Cooke

Thank you Margaret!! I have a SMARTBoard. I forgot about looking there.

Sue Garcia Sue Garcia 42675 Points

Chris, in addition to supplies and resources, have you checked out the NSTA Journal Science & Children? They have some of the most wonderful activities for elementary grades. Most of them do not need very many 'supplies' that need to be purchased and are already vetted by other teachers. You can find a wealth of things there for you, already categorized and grade level identifies, to investigate.

Kathy Renfrew Kathleen Renfrew 37278 Points

Chris, A staples... Framework for K-12 Science Education NGSS standards What Are They Thinking? ( Page Keeley ) From the lens of the K-5 Science Coordinator

Wendy Goldfein Wendy Goldfein 2345 Points

What a fabulous opportunity to create amazing learning experiences for your students! We have lots of ideas and resources for integrating engineering into science lessons. Check us out at : Wendy and Cheryl

Lynnea Shafter Lynnea Shafter 4475 Points

Hi, I just went through my first year as a K-5 Specialist after years of high/middle school science teaching. It's great but I was in your same boat. I used the following often and in a variety of ways. I do a mix of all four STEM branches w/ a lot of the science to reinforce/support the classroom teachers. Discovery eGFI Engineering is Elementary- Practical Action-great STEM challenges from Europe Project Learning Tree- NASA & How Stuff Works were frequent go too's.

Sarah Perkins Sarah Perkins 3165 Points

I am Student teaching this semester as well, those are some great resources that I plan on using to help me!!

Destiny Huggins Destiny Huggins 10040 Points

thanks for starting such a great post! I am student teaching in 3rd grade math and science and I am looking also for resources, so this has helped me out a ton! THANKS

Kathy Renfrew Kathleen Renfrew 37278 Points


Is your school using the Next Generation Science Standards? Here is excellent resource worth looking at NGSS@NSTA

The way NSTA has laid them out is very user friendly especially for elementary teacher. I want to let you know of another free opportunity.

Teaching NGSS in Elementary School—Third Grade Teaching NGSS in Elementary School—Third Grade, Wednesday, December 17, 2014 is a web seminar.

There is a blog about the we seminars How Can elementary Teachers Work Towards the Vision of NGSS


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