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Distance Learning

Adapting to Distance Learning

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Giselle Infante Giselle Infante 305 Points

Distance learning became a very much needed tool starting last year when this pandemic started. Although it may not be easy, I find that both teachers and students have adapted very well to the situation. As a school community, I think it is very important that we stick together and help each other throughout this continuing situation. I wanted to ask about resources or tips that may better assist teachers in distance learning. If anyone has any tips or resources, please drop them below!

Macy Harris Macy Harris 755 Points

Hi Giselle! 

My name is Macy Harris and I am currently an undergraduate at Wartburg College in Iowa! I absolutely love that you bring up this point and 100% fully support it. In times like these, I think we need to support one another and get through the stress together. When I am in the classroom with teachers, I have heard their biggest problems being that they are so used to utilizing anchor charts that it is hard to do it all online. One tool I like to use is the website Canva- it has a lot of designed templates ready and all you have to do is put text on them! 

I hope this tip helps anyone who did not already know about it! 

Macy Harris 

Micah Decker Micah Decker 638 Points

Hello Giselle,

I am a 4th-year majoring in Elementary Education at Wartburg College. I agree, we all need to stick together. If COVID-19 has taught us anything it is we have a huge support system, not only in our own districts but thanks to technology, across the world as well. Throughout my time as a student at Wartburg College, I found the classes focused mostly on strategies for teaching. With learning new teaching strategies, we were provided with some great resources as well. Jennifer Serravallo has two common books for language arts and reading strategies, but many people don't know she has a third book for online teaching strategies. Connecting with Students Online: Strategies for Remote Teaching & Learning by Jennifer Serravallo. This book has helped me a lot, and I hope it can help you as well!

Happy learning!

-Micah Decker

Alexis Mercado Alexis Mercado 395 Points

I completely agree. We have to stick together and help one another get through this. Remote learning can be hard but we can always come up with certain resources to help those get through it and thrive. 

Cintia Guevara Cintia Guevara 1040 Points

Distance learning has presented itself without any warning within the past year. Teachers have been forced to meet with their students through a computer screen. Distance learning does ensure a student's safety. However, distance learning has also presented numerous challenges for both the students and teachers. The students can not ask the teacher for extra help after a class or simply ask a question without having the entire class hear them. The students are also not as engaged in the class. Meanwhile, teachers are asked to be engaging and treat it as a normal class, but the truth is remote learning is nothing like in person. Distance learning is still new and teachers must acknowledge the challenges and find ways to overcome them. 

Melissa Maturo Melissa Maturo 700 Points

Hi Miach, 

I am a third year college student majoing in Elementary Education as well, and I certainly agree that we need to feed off of eachother for ideas - expecially in this pandemic. Teachers are constantly having to adjust to new teaching strategies, as the field of education has changed drastically since the start of the pandemic. Doing so is not easy and when we collaborate together, it makes the job so much easier. I really appriciate you providing book recomendations! I will take note of them and see what they are about! 

Lori Norwood Lori Norwood 11126 Points

Hi Micah,

Thank you for informing me about a 3rd book by Jennifer Serravallo.  I have the 2 books your mentioned by her but I wasn't aware of a third book.  I will be looking it up, so I thank you for letting me know. I also LOVE her Reading and Writing strategies books.  They are so well planned out and easy to do.  I definitely will be utilazing them in my classroom.  Thanks again!!

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