Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Early Childhood / Lesson on Plants

Early Childhood

Lesson on Plants

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I am creating a lesson plan for the kindergarten grade level based on the plant life cycle and parts of the plant. I am planning to bring in a plant seed as well as a plant as a visual/hook to engaged my students. Any ideas on how I can further engage my students for this lesson?

George Mehler George Mehler 1755 Points

Hello Stephanie, My name is Dr. George Mehler, I teach science methods courses at Temple University. I have been developing a YouTube channel called FunScienceDemos that is home to hundreds of short science demonstration videos for teachers to incorporate in their classroom or for families to use at home. Here is a link to the "Recyclers in Nature" Playlist, but check out the FunScienceDemos channel for all of our videos! Best of Luck, The FunScienceDemos Team Dr. George Mehler Ed.D., Temple University Jared Hottenstein Central Bucks School District

Kristine DePuma Kristine DePuma 805 Points

I recently taught a lesson to students covering photosynthesis. I found that my students loved when I was able to take them outside to look at various plants more closely. Another thing that they may love is incorporating some type of artwork into your lesson. 

Wendy Nativi Wendy Nativi 775 Points

Students love field investigations!

Zayra Castillo Zayra Castillo 650 Points

My class got to plant the seeds and watched them grow over a couple of days. They got to watch them sprout. My cooperating teacher also had them learn about a song that was similar to the Heads, shoulders, knees, and toes song that helped them remember the cycle. 

Erica Schlumbrecht Erica Schlumbrecht 815 Points

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