
Forums / Professional Learning / Forces and Motion

Professional Learning

Forces and Motion

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Molly Tauke Molly Tauke 260 Points

This journal article turned out to be very helpful to me as a future teacher. This article made it clear to me that a lot of science teachers struggle to teach the students about science topics because they are 'too abstract.' The author of the article states ' that children are already constructing their understanding of science concepts such as, force and motion throughout their daily activities. If students are already recognizing that they are showing force and motion throughout activities, we have to vocalize and point that out to them just to make sure it is clear on how they are exactly applying force and motion into that one area. A big takeaway i had with this article was when the author talked about the engagements of the students. The author offered a lot of different opportunities that we can connect with our students while teaching science so that they can learn to the best of their abilities. For example, the author mentioned if we had English language learners, we could incorporate a lot of pictures in the classroom setting and that can be extremely helpful to students. 

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