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Forums / Elementary Science / Proper use of other teachers' ideas

Elementary Science

Proper use of other teachers' ideas

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Sana Nazar Sana Nazar 480 Points

Hey all!

I am a huge Teachers Pay Teachers and Pinterest user, and I always find amazing lessons that teachers have put together. I wonder how I can give due credit to those teachers when I use their ideas. Should I write their links on my lesson plans? Or do I just mention their name in my notes?

What do you think?

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10285 Points

Hi Sana -- I think is very professional of you to want to cite/credit resources that you are using or adapting from another source. Just some thoughts -- if you share these ideas with other teachers, I would definitely cite the author's name and the URL of the resource  (Check the APA or MLA style--a definite for graduate work!) and be sure that you have the rights to share. If you are using a handout directly from the Internet, I would include the developer's name and publication date if available. In your own personal notes, I would also include URL and the date your accessed it. This would also be helpful in case someone had a question about the resource. --Mary B

Karelen Takara Karelen Takara 1125 Points

Hi Sana! 

As someone who also likes to browse for ideas and inspirations for my own lessons, I think its a great idea to credit those who inspire you. I usually just throw the link into my lesson plans so that I have easy access back to the original post if needed for reference. Just remember to always tweek lessons you find online to make sure they are matching up to your state's standards as well as your students' needs. That is something that I always need to do for the lessons I find inspiration from. 


Alivia Brandhorst Alivia Brandhorst 775 Points

Hi Karen! 

I am a 3rd-year college student at Wartburg College. Thanks for asking this question, I think this is something all future teachers are wondering.

I think the major componet to giving credit to other teachers would be siting where you recieved the information or putting their names in the corner. It is very important to give other teachers credit because it was their work and teachers usually always look out for other teachers. Thank you so much for the question! 

I hope this helps!

Alivia Brandhorst

Haley Jacobsen Haley Jacobsen 820 Points


   When using resources from other teachers, I think it is important to keep and cite the links on your written lesson plans so that you can easily reference them and share them properly with colleagues. 

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