
Forums / Next Generation Science Standards / NGSS Implementation in your state

Next Generation Science Standards

NGSS Implementation in your state

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Adaliz Gonzalez Adaliz Gonzalez 5032 Points

Hi, I am looking for experiences while implementing NGSS in your classroom. What did your state do to 'roll out' NGSS? Did you receive training in the standards? If so, for how long? Are currently receiving support after PD? What challenges are you facing while beginning to implement this new set of standards? Did your school designed science curricula, or the state provided it? Thanks in advance! :) Adaliz

Patricia Leazier Patricia Leazier 4502 Points

Adaliz, I teach in Washington county Maryland.  Our state adopted the standards, however, our early the PD/training did not provide us with a clear vision of how to implement NGSS.  Currently, I attend training in NJ and have attended the NSTA Train the Trainer in New Orleans.  Our county designed the curricula into modules.  However, I do foresee that there may be some restructuring of that in the future.  As department chair, I am providing my teachers with information I learn from the PD I attend.  It is very challenging to get everyone on the same page.  Our county curricular supervisor is trying to figure out a way so that our county science teachers will have equal opportunity for NGSS training.  Although we are struggling a bit, our county is trying to provide resources for their teachers.   Respectfully, Patty

Adaliz Gonzalez Adaliz Gonzalez 5032 Points

Thank you for your reply! Have you received any of the resources your county is providing, or they are creating the resources now? From what you said, I understand the implementation plan for the state of Maryland was just to release the standards and is up to counties to deliver?

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