Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025


Forums / Elementary Science / Teaching Creatively

Elementary Science

Teaching Creatively

Author Post
Danielle George Danielle George 970 Points

Hello! As a student teacher, I am searching for some resources to help get my creative juices flowing when it comes to teaching elementary science. Growing up I never had the "fun" science experience that I want to give my kids, but I just can not seem to come up with creative fun ideas on my own. Thank you!

Fei Zhao fei zhao 210 Points

Hi Danielle, I'm also a student teacher, recently in the school I'm observing they just had a science night and there is a lot of fun science stations. such as making slime with a different type of detergent, tornado in a jar, rainbow rain, baking soda/vinegar reaction, and magic. Here is a web link that my mentor teacher used for her science activities I hope those information might help :)

Yixiu Yan Yixiu Yan 340 Points

Hi Danielle,

I'm a student teacher as well and I had same feeling about science class with you when I was little. In my opinion, we don't have to make science as a big project, it is better to break it to small pieces which connect to real world life that students will feel science is not something far away to touch. Give more hands on activities will help students engaged in lecture as well, it is better to let every students have chance to do the lab things will make them feel they are connect to the lesson, and team work is also great for them to practice their skills together. I have two website want to share with you that could help you make your science class have more fun.[]=science%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=experiments%7Ctyped


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