Hi Becky!
I am so excited that you will be teaching Earth Science in a high school setting. As a geologist and high school EarthSci teacher, I thoroughly enjoy sharing geology, oceanography, atmospheric sciences and astronomy with my students because the Earth and Space Sciences integrate concepts from the physical and life sciences in the context of time, space, and processes that affect us all.
The National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA is a membership organization on Twitter @NESTA_US and Facebook) can hook you up with a variety of resources that are hosted on the https://serc.carleton.edu/index.html website. You should register on SERC's website to get access to lots of great Earth Science teaching supports.
I am sharing some of the resources from presentations I have given at NSTA conferences. I am in the process of organizing a bunch of my resources on a new website but in the meantime, I am happy to share what I have with you. Email me directly if you are interested.
Cheryl L. B. Manning, MS-Geology, NBCT
[email protected]