Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Early Childhood / Attention Grabbers

Early Childhood

Attention Grabbers

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Sydney Arenas Sydney Arenas 320 Points

How can I keep my child's interest when teaching them a concept at home? There's so many items around that easily distract them, and then the fact, we are at home, they don't feel the need to pay attention. What are some good ideas at keepin their attention on the material rather than the distractions from the house?

Yannely Aguinaga Yannely Aguinaga 175 Points

Hello Sydney! I am not a mother myself, but I have 2 nephews ages 5 and 6, and have seen my sister struggle tremendously when teaching them from home. One thing I adviced her to do was to be patient with them as they are also adjusting to this new learning style, and as you mentioned, there are so many things around them that can be distracting. Another thing I suggested was that she became engaged in the lectures being taught to them to know what is going on and try to make it fun for them. For example, when the teacher is explaining something they seem to have trouble understandning, she now tries to make up a song by clapping and using repetitive key words from the lecture, this helps them memorize important terminology and make connections in an engaging way. Hope this helps! 

Kristin Preast Kristin Preast 1670 Points

I would offer some kind of reward if they focus for a certain amount of time. I would take away any distractions if possible and help them focus.

Katie Thomas Katie Thomas 360 Points

I would highly recommend finding activites that are hand-on and physically engaging, like the dances. For more of a tranditional lesson, using their bodies and materials to keep them engaged. 

Some ideas:

Using their bodies to show different forms of energy. Jumping up and down for kinetic, and pausing for potential. 

Fossil dig kits can be amazing and engaging! If you can't find them, you can scatter fossils around your backyard and have your students go on an 'expedition' to find them.

Filed trips are an amazing learning resource! Going to the zoo and stopping at each exhibit to read the signs. Have your students guess what the animals eat, what is important about their habitat for them, etc.

There's so much we can do to engage students, and from home the possibilities are endless!

Antonia Clark Antonia Clark 275 Points

I love using interactive science projects! Something they can touch and explore. There are so many ideas for children on Pinterest. Even just going outside and exploring or having them keep a notebook of what they find. 

Abbigael Beirise Abbigael Beirise 600 Points

I also love interactive science projects! I remember in elementary school I joined a science club in order to participate in these types of projects! I also use Pinterest as a valuable activity finder as well as for inspiration. Great post!


Danielle Fiorentini Danielle Fiorentini 280 Points

This is a struggle I think everyone faces with trying to get children to continue learning at home. I think it is vital to allow students to learn about things they are interested in. Find students interests and let them chose their path, then help them learn about it and build on their interests. 

Nicole Darroch Nicole Darroch 105 Points

I like to use interesting pictures to promote discussions. There are great pictures here on NSTA's website under: PHENOMENA FOR NGSS. 

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