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General Science and Teaching

Social Media as a Teaching Tool

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Ryan Cully Ryan Cully 363 Points

Hello all! I was curious if any teachers on here have used social media (YouTube, Twitter, etc.) as tools to help students learn. I am considering creating a YouTube channel to reach students though a medium they use quite often.

Rubi Oregon Rubi Oregon 105 Points

Personally, I haven’t created a YouTube channel to reach students through a different medium, however, I have used YouTube videos to support my lesson or student learning in my class. I think creating a YouTube channel in which you are providing students a different input of information, will be awesome! Especially because most students today, use YouTube to watch videos and stream. This idea will definitely engage students in their  learning and provide access to content outside of the classroom. 

Payton Meyer Payton Meyer 5160 Points

Hi Ryan! I am currently a Junior at the University of Northern Iowa. This is something that I have thought about quite a bit during my time as a student. I have had classes in college where my professors have used social media as a learning tool and honestly it has worked out pretty nicely. However, I think that it depends on the ages of the students that you are working with. If you were to have, say, middle school students learn on Twitter, my fear is that they would be more focused on their personal matters on twitter instead of using it as a learning tool. I think that Youtube can be a great resource for teaching, especially because it helps students to go back and review certains topics or areas and gives them a chance to listen to it more than once in case they don't understand it the first time. I think that this will also keep their attention, but it has to be kind of fun. My fear with Youtube is that it isn't interactive enough, so if you don't make your video pretty short, or you don't make it exciting, the students might lose focus on it or skip through it. I think this method can work if you do it the right way. I would definitely encourage you to try it and see how it goes with your students! :)

Elyse Juarez Elyse Juarez 725 Points

Hi Ryan, although I am only a preservice teacher, I feel I can provide tips from the student perspective. You are right, social media is a tool that us students use often & are very familiar with. Depending on the grade level, I know some teachers enforce the use of social media to collect data over a topic, or something similar. I think YouTube can be a great option to use while interacting and teaching students. There is so much that can be uploaded to YouTube, and if a student were to miss a class day, they can view a video on what they had missed that day.

Cierra Johnson Cierra Johnson 389 Points

I always thought this would be a good idea. Sometimes when students go home, they forget how to do their homework. Me as the teacher, I could post videos on youtube explaining how to do their homework as a reference for them, Kids nowadays are always on social media anyhow.

Jennifer Juarez Jennifer Juarez 730 Points


I'm currently in the Teacher Preperation Program and in my opinion, the Professors that use social media in their classrooms have great comminucation skills with the students. It engages the students to learn and resources are always available if they need to look over the content material again. YouTube, is an excellent choice as every student knows what it is and can be used as an informational tool whenever they're trying to learn something new. Canva is also great tool for students since it gives them the ability to be creative. Overall, I do think it's important to implent some form of social media for educational purposes. 

Monika Trivedi Monika Trivedi 1677 Points

Hi Ryan,

I think if social media is used constructively, it is a great tool for learning. To ensure that your students are guided to learning through any social channels try this class experiment. 

Step1: ask students to take their phones out and go to their social media app of their choice (it can be anything YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, snapchat etc.)

Step 2: Time them for 2 mins

Step 3: At the end of 2 mins ask them to stop and put their phones back in their backpacks.

Step 4: Introduce yout topic for that day and start your regular teaching activity 

step 5: Give them a word for e.g if I was teaching photosynthesis, I would give them the term chlorophyll 

step 6: after the teaching is done, ask them to take their phones out again and research on the given term in their social media handles (they can choose which app they want to use)

step 7: Time for 2 mins

Step 8: At the end of the 2 mins, ask them to put their phone away and hand out a sheet with 3 simple questions

1) did you use the same social media handle both times: yes/no. name them _______

2) do you think using social media helped learn something new about chlorophyll? ye/no

3) will you use social media to research today's topic or any other homework? yes/no

Graph the data and present to your students next time if you should or should not use social media in that particular class. 

Natalie Mojica Natalie Mojica 190 Points

Hi Ryan! I'm a UNI student and have had professors use social media as a way to help students learn. It has varied from creating group emails to share classroom notes and information to youtube videos further explaining lectures. As long as it is age appropriate, I would encourage you to do so as I found it very helpful! 

Maria Salazar-Perez Maria Salazar-Perez 505 Points

Hi there! In my classroom, I do not have my own YouTube channel, but I definitely pull useful videos to use in my lessons. I use a site called EdPuzzle and it has helped me tremendously. It cuts down the prep time, there are ready made resources that I can adjust for my own needs, and most importantly, the students love it. I teach third grade, so I’ve only really explored those resources, but it takes a compilation of videos from different sites including YouTube and lets you assign them to your students. It also lets you embed questions which is really great. Videos are definitely a way to get the kids to connect to the material. I don’t have the creativity or the time to create my own, but so far EdPuzzle hasn’t disappointed and I’ve been able to find and adjust videos for what I need.

Andy Tran Andy Tran 440 Points

Hi Ryan! 

I have not used YouTube too often in science, but I think it's a great idea! I definitely use it sometimes to incorporate some videos into my lessons and I think you could do the same! In addition, you could also make a study playlist for your students to watch about any given topic. Moreover, I think you could also have your students make in a science-related video (either individually or as a group) and upload them to YouTube for everyone to watch. I know there are also plenty of science pages and accounts to be found on other social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. 


Good luck! 

There are excellent youtube science instruction channels:

Bozeman Science


Minute Earth



Sick Science!


These are just a few but ones I subscribe to; hopefully there are some useful channels listed here. 

Jennifer Sharp Jennifer Sharp 3273 Points

Thank you for posting this list of resources!

Morgan Picolotti Morgan Picolotti 3290 Points

Hi Ryan,

I am a student at the University of Northern Iowa currently taking my science methods course. I think your idea of integrating social media into your classroom is great! In some of my classes we have been encouraged to use social media in our classrooms. When I read your post about creating a youtube channel, I immediately thought about maybe allowing your students to create the youtube videos. You could give your students the options of when they want to create their videos and the topics they could cover. Not only would this allow your students to create a deeper understanding of topics (in order to create a video and teach others) but it would also integrate other subjects  (such as writing a script). This would also be a really great resource for your students! Hope this idea helps!



Joanne Thomson Joanne Thomson 50 Points


Estrell Mamonese Estrell Mamonese 250 Points

I can't say for sure if it's a good idea or not. Because teenagers on YouTube are used to watching different videos that they like. I recently read about media bias, using to do this. I learned a lot from it. I want to say that students can just turn off your YouTube training videos and turn on their own.

Lisa Moon Lisa Moon 10 Points

Social networks are an excellent tool for learning and development. Especially in TikTok, there is a lot of educational content. My friend is a math teacher. And recently, she decided to start making videos on TikTok to help children explain difficult topics. My friend started to succeed, but the account got into the shadowban. And the videos no longer fall into the recommendations. So she decided to use to buy a small amount of views. So now she continues to make videos and help students understand math.

Tristen Wheeler Tristen Wheeler 7550 Points

Hi! My name is Tristen Wheeler. I am a Senior student at William Baptist University. I am trying to teach middle school students 4-8th. I have used both YouTube and Pinterest to help me teach and get idea for lessons. I recently used a YouTube video to help me teach student on the food chain. It was a part of my finals to teach a thirty minute lesson to students.

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