
Forums / Elementary Science / Tinkering and Engineering

Elementary Science

Tinkering and Engineering

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Victoria Vaughn Victoria Vaughn 910 Points

I absolutely love this journal article. So many classrooms that i've observed and been in growing up have been such a strict, stale environment where students aren't allowed to play, explore, or tinker. I think we have really began to shift when it comes to the way we do things in our classrooms now. We are starting to allow students to explore more and come to discoveries themselves, rather than just being told information. I think giving students that freedom helps them enjoy learning so much more and it also helps them remember what it is they learned.

Madison Utley Madison Utley 1240 Points

This article really oepend my eyes and made me think about previous science lessons that I have been apart of. I really like the idea of allowing children to use their creative minds and discover things on their own. Sometimes when I am left to figure something out independently, I really surprise myself with the way my mind is working and how I come to a solution. I think that it is important for children to think like this too. Overall, allowing students to control their learning will lead to them having more fun in the classroom and bring happiness to themselves and their teacher. 

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