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Early Childhood

Activities that students can do with their families?

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Alyssa Soto Alyssa Soto 455 Points

Hi there, 

I am currently searching for any activities or experiments that my 2nd-grade students can take home and have their families be engaged in, in order to promote learning in and outside of the classroom. I also want these activities to serve as a bonding experience, whether it be with parents, siblings, guardians, or even the neighbors, I would like for my students to create memories while learning. 

Janie Bohannon Janie Bohannon 135 Points

Hi Alyssa, that is great you want to give your students some fun science bonding at home! A memory I still have from elementary school that I did at home as well was making 'oobleck'. This is super easy and fun! All you need is two cups cornstarch, one cup water, and the optional food coloring and you have an interesting substance that can act like a solid or a liquid and changes with pressure! There is also a Dr. Suess book about oobleck you can pair with this. 

Marcela Leal Marcela Leal 510 Points

Hello, using science activities or experiments as a bonding experience I think is great. I suggest choosing a project that is simple and doesn't require a lot of material. Give instruction of the assignment in the child's home language and allow a good amount of time for the assignment to be turned in. My child loved tornado in a bottle and homemade lava lamp. 

Aidee Sanchez Aidee Sanchez 540 Points

Hello, I think it is great that you want your students to have activities at home. I believe it is important for students to learn with their parents or family, it makes it interesting for them and they become eager to learn more. I don't know if you have ever tried brainstorm. The students can watch videos with their family and do some activity or any project that the video shows.

Aaron Mendoza Aaron Mendoza 410 Points

Hello, Alyssa one activity that I recommend is having them plant a seed as I remember doing this with my parents for school. It was a fun and engaging experience as I had fun and learned a lot about the plant cycle.

Evelin Quiroz Evelin Quiroz 510 Points

Hey Alyssa,

I think the mentos and coke activity would be a fun yet educational activity! This will teach the students about the change of state of matter and how the carbon dioxide dissolved in the coke then moves to a gaseous state. Hope this helps!

Holly George Holly George 225 Points

Hi Alyssa! 

I think any topic related to family genes would be a great activity for students to collaborate with their family members. This could be observing each other's physical traits or even making small Punnett Squares. 

Hailey Black Hailey Black 240 Points

Hi Alyssa!

I remember in elementary school I had an assignment where I made a volcano with my parents! Another really fun one was a 3D map using clay and paint. We did the latter activity when we were learning about geography and different terrains.

Jessica Back Jessica Back 230 Points

Hi Alyssa! When I was younger my teacher got our class a Butterfly Growing Kit and everyone loved it! The kit allows you to create a home for caterpillars to grow into butterflies and its a great experience for inside school and with family:)!

Yaritza Garza Yaritza Garza 150 Points

Hello Alyssa it is amazing that you want to encourage parents in your classroom activities. A great activity that students and parents can work on is the 'Water Cycle'. This activity will create good communication and connection between parents and students. 

Yaritza Garza Yaritza Garza 150 Points

Hello Alyssa it is amazing that you want to encourage parents in your classroom activities. A great activity that students and parents can work on is the 'Water Cycle'. This activity will create good communication and connection between parents and students. 

Kaitlyn Boyle Kaitlyn Boyle 165 Points

Hi Alyssa, 

I think that even making homemade slime is something fun for parents to do with their children. You can get really creative with it and add different colors and glitter! 

Taylor McGuire Taylor McGuire 2830 Points

Hi Alyssa!

There are SO many resources available on NSTA for this! My best recommendation for safe at-home experiments that students can do at home would be the Home Connections Collection by Kathleen Damonte. If you just search Home Connections in the search tab on NSTA they should all pop up! They have a bunch of experiments there for you to look at. I'm also going to attach a selection of articles that I've read and found useful and that I think you will find useful as well! Hope this helps. 

Rebecca Do Rebecca Do 1440 Points

Hello Alyssa,

Recently, my sister had to make play dough at home for her science class. I think it is something 2nd-graders will love to do and a great way for families to be engaged in. The parents, siblings, or guardians can measure out all the ingredients than have the child pour the ingredients into a bowl. Together, they can mix the ingredients and form the play dough. To make play dough, there are many directions on youtube or online. Other activities for 2nd-grade students to take home and have their families be engaged in are building a solar oven and heating food up, creating a leaf book and identifying different leaves, or making a homemade lava lamp. 

Sara Haizoun Sara Haizoun 2790 Points


I think board games is a great activity for kids and their families. It offer fun ways for kids to learn skills.  learning social skills (taking turns, patience), learning how to think critically, Learning new vocabulary words etc 

Sydney Miller Sydney Miller 220 Points

Hello! Family involvment is very important and can play a role in students education. I think it means more to students when their families participate in activities that they bring home from school. Creating games and activities that are educational and involve multiple people to partake in would be a good tool that teachers can use to involve the families of the students while teaching them at the same time. 

Vanessa Moreno Vanessa Moreno 465 Points

Hello Alyssa,

Though I cannot remember what grade level it was for, doing an experiment like the red cabbage ph indicator could be one option. The experiment requires someone to boil some cabbage, handle an acid and base, and possibly use a blender. The other member of the family can do these for the student while they make and record observations, making it engaging for the student and the family. 

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