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Studying for exams to become a teacher

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Olivia Garza Olivia Garza 610 Points

Hello, my name is Olivia Garza and i'm currently studing to become a special education teacher. I'm currently in a science of teaching elementary students course and I'm wondering if new teachers use methods and put into practice their knowledge into the classroom and how do you adjust to the new world of the classroom. I'm so excited and wanted some advice on how to be prepared to challenge the classroom once the time comes. Thank you. 

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10285 Points

Hi Olivia!  I like your phrase about adjusting to the 'new world of the classroom'. Even experienced teachers are adjusting all of the time -- take the events of the last two years, adjusting to virtual and hybrid classes. It's important to develop a collection of strategies and practices so that you can adjust to the needs of your students. -- Mary B

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