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Now that most teachers are doing lessons remotly, what are some ways that they can involve not only the students but their parents as well when it comes to science and the enviornment? How can they continue to be engaged? What are some things they are able to do together?
I think that in order to keep the students engaged and have their parents become involved you can create mini experiments for them to do at home where it requires them to be more crafty and creative rather than heavily focused on writing. Make experiments simple for parents to do from home and maybe encourage them to record and send in videos of their experiment to share to their class.
My school did lots of collaborative actiivities, where the students shared information with each other. But we started our closure with strong family involvement, which makes a difference
I don't know your students' age range or geographic location, but activities such as comparing rainfall data and making a class map is always good. So is tracking your personal plastics usage / usage in your neighborhood. Some of my students used the marine tracker app (works well for land as well) and then compared that data. Look around your community and find something that will differ slightly from place to place and have them create collaborative maps, graphs, and so on
Good luck!
I agree with the previous reply. Being that many students are at home right now with their parents or other family members this is a perfect opportunity for all of them to be engaged. I would say in addition to the friendly household experiments, to create inquiry based lessons that are catered to an at home adventure that the parents can partake in. If not the parents maybe an older sibling or other person in the household. An example of an experiment they could do together could be growing a garden or a few plants together and observing the growth while collecting data. I would also say to have clear and open communication with the parents of what you may need from them during this time.
Considering the current situation going on, i think it is very important to remain in the school routine because it is very easy to get off track especially after a long summer break. I know a lot of parents are concerned about the quality of their child's education but learning online is not necessarily a bad thing. I think educators can encourage parents to continue to be involved in their child's education through the content of science by assigning like 'at home experiments'. something that is very easy, simply and fun that students can do with their family or siblings so that they aren’t left out of their child's education. This way, parents are up to date with what their child is doing and learning. Teachers can ask and encourage their parents to participate and help their children in class activities and tasks.
I personally believe that a way to keep both parents and students involved with science and the enviroment is with little activities where they can work with together at home. Since most of the time that's how children can stay focused and actually be entertained, hands-on expereiments will allow themto be excited to want to work with and they will want to include their parents. For example, I remember when I was in elementary one of my teachers brought caterpillars and throught the weeks we saw them all grow and become beautiful butterflies, I remember how fascinating that was for us. This in my opinion can be a fun project for students to do with there parents at home, they will both be able to see how the caterpiller turns into a butterfly. That will forsure excite the student and they'll love to involve their parents in the experience.
Hello! I also agree with previous replies. Providing parents with a 'guide' that entails supplies needed, instructions, and possible experimental outcomes on certain experiments might help parents conduct an experiment easily with their child/children.
It is so hard to do science with Pre-K students that have special needs during digital learning because of the pandemic. We can see that some parents are involved in their kid's education but some others make us feel that we are their babysitters. Science is everywhere, and that is what we are doing with them and teach parents that they can do any time the perfect science teachable moment.
I agree with the above responses, I think it can be challeging to get parents involved with science but I believe that NSTA gives good resources that can help teacher's find ways to involve the parents.
Hello Brianna, I believe that a way to not only keep the students involve but the parent as well is by assigning small little experiments in where the parents has to assist the child in it. For example, in the districts I have assisted I remember that many Pre-K or kinder classroom teacher assign the students to plant a little seed see it grow. This can be a fun little project for the child and the parent, both of them can plant the seed and see how it would be developing. Assigning more of a home hands on craft rather than paper assignemnts will keep the parents involved more.
Using families strengths is an additional ways to support involvement. Espevially is the families can do it on their time, which is then shared via recorded video, etc
Exploring phenomena at home is always a good way for families to learn together and co-construct learning.
In addition to providing short and sweet parent infomation on your remote activities, take a look at the daily do's. Many of the elementary ones can be adapted for early childhood
I feel like looking around when the family is together and working on experiments. I would also let the parent know what topics we are discussing so they can try to be unique as well.