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Distance Learning

Distance Learning

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How has distance learning being an experience to teachers that had been teaching students face to face before this pandemic? What are the pros and cons of teaching this way?

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5755 Points

I've been teaching undergraduate sciences fully online since 2016:


  • Working without a synchronous schedule is AWESOME
  • Deep integration of LMS makes it easy to explore and use new digital tools. I've been embedding word clouds into announcements and discussions as a quick temperature check in the classroom. 
  • Digitized assessments means I can program a lot of feedback into the LMS, saving the personalized, goal-oriented feedback for the customized feedback I enter in the gradebook. 
  • ALL students must engage. It is a lot harder to lurk in the back of the classroom in an asynchronous online course! 
  • I absolutely LOVE the asynchronous online discussions. It is my favorite way of engaging my students! I can tie in my own personal and professional experiences, current events, digital images, tutorials, simulations, and so much more! 


  • I do miss forming stronger connections with my students. I'm still looking for ways to do that in an asynchronous online course. 

Katie Andrews Katie Andrews 675 Points

I cannot speak as a teacher but I am a full time college student studying elementary education. As a college student, the pros are that for the most part, I do things on my own time. The cons are that I do not get the hands on experience and the rich discussions. In my field placement, I have not heard of many teachers liking the virtual learning. Some are doing hybrid and they said it's a lot more work doing it that way and they are the most exhausted they have ever been. I think for elementary aged children, doing school in person is so important. Unfortuately, it's just not safe right now. 

Hannah Moore Hannah Moore 855 Points

I have experience with hyrid in 5th grade. The class is split into A and B groups and come to school physcially either Monday and Wednesday and Tuesday and Thursday. Since the kids are split up, the class size is around 10 students. Since class sizes are so small there has been little no behavioral problems, which has been a great aspect of hybrid. Unfortunately, it is a lot more work as it is double planning. Lessons for online and in class.

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