Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Elementary Science / Heredity Project

Elementary Science

Heredity Project

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Carrie Carter Carrie Carter 530 Points

I remeber this unit from when I was in elementry school, it was so much fun! All of us students would go ho,e and ask our parents a million questions about 'Can you curl your tongue?' or 'Is your hairline striaght?'  So when I saw this article that lais out a lesson about heredity i was veryinterested in reading it and it did not disappoint!  The lesson plan is very detailed and the activity looks fun and engaging for the students.

Leylani Grass Leylani Grass 970 Points

I did an experiment like this one year and I was super interested in it. I think this might be intersting for some students because they will be able to see the differences between them and their friends and they will learn about why this happens.

Luke Anderson Luke Anderson 310 Points


It sounds like you have found a very interesting idea for a potential lab! Genetics can be very interesting and I think even having younger students discover how the passing of traits works can be significant. Be careful to not dive too deep into genetics though. When studying genetics on a personal basis, there may be students who are adopted or do not know one of their parents, which would set them apart from their classmates. Your primary ideas of asking students whether they can roll their tongue or what type of hair they have are both great ways to have students begin considering genetics. INvolving the families cna help too, as I think guardians cna help students understand why they may possess a certain trait as well.

Best of luck!

Luke Anderson, Wartburg College Elementary Education Class of '22

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