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Evaluation and Assessment

assessments for 3rd graders

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Shelley Bronson Shelley Bronson 1110 Points

I'm currently doing my teacher residency and I have to do a unit plan for my STEAM course and eventually will teach it. Does your district use one or have you? This will be my first time writing my lesson plans and teaching them. How would you evaluate and assess third-grade students? Which assessment would be best for third graders? 

Bailey Myers Bailey Myers 765 Points

Hi Shelley, 

I am also becoming more familiar with how to assess students as I am a pre-service teacher at Wartburg College. I am currently working hand in hand with a 3rd-grade teacher and have worked with her students during their science time. She does a ton of hands-on experiments with her students. When it comes to assessment, she uses formative assessments. She checks in often to see how students are understanding, includes worksheets for students to fill out during and after their experiments, and every now and then she will use 'exit tickets' to see students understanding of the topics. This also allows her to collect the data that she needs to assess student progress. 

However, I also had to complete a college assignment in which I had to assess students. For my assignment, I made sure it include a pre-test and a post-test to see student improvement before and after the lesson that you gave. This helped to see if your lesson was successful and whether or not students understood. 

I hope this helped! Good luck with your lesson! 

Bailey Myers 

Wartburg College '23

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