Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Early Childhood / Planets

Early Childhood


Author Post
Samantha Gonzalez Samantha Gonzalez 270 Points

Learning about the solar system is always a fun and interesting topic. As we all know the same acronym My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles... what other acronyms can i use? 

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 9393 Points

If your students are old enough to be interested in the solar system, you could have the class create their own acronym. 

Good luck


Taylor Tyson Taylor Tyson 190 Points

I know I'm late to this post, but I have two acronyms you could use!

  1. My very excited mom just set up Netflix
  2. Mister Victor eats marshmallow jelly sandwiches under Neptune

Kaitlyn Howard Kaitlyn Howard 1010 Points

Here is an acronym you could use: My very eager mother just sang us NSYNC. 

Shelby Hardison Shelby Hardison 640 Points

Many very excited monkeys just slurped up noodles! This is the acronym I use. Hope this helps. You could also make this cross curricular and include english into your science lesson/ acroynms. (excited= adjective, monkeys= noun, etc.)

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 9393 Points

There are a slew of good book you can use includung The Astronaut's Handbook, Solar System Forecast.  The latter is great for bringing space back home.  My kids have also liked Happy Birthday,  Curiosity, and Curiosity, the Story of a Mars Rover

Look at NSTA's outstanding trade books and STEM book lists.  You will find some gems.  And don't forget about Storytime from Space!  Especially with the ISS's 20th fast approaching


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