Hi Kaydee! I am also a pre-service teacher and I am very interested in different forms of assessment as well. In my lesson plans, I have included exit tickets as well. I think these are great forms of assessment and have less of a negative connotation that students may associate with tests or quizzes. I don’t know if you’re asking specifically about summative types of assessment, but in that case I would say you can also use project-based assessment. We just used Flipgrid in our class and I think it would be a fun way to assess students’ learning. You could have students film a quick video on their device, describing some aspect of your lesson or demonstrating their knowledge however you choose. They upload their video and then you and the rest of the class can watch each other's videos. It is also a great way for students to learn from each other. In regard to project-based assessment, I would also encourage different modes of demonstration of knowledge. We talk a lot about differentiation and I would say that if you keep all the criteria that you are assessing the same, you could still have some students choose to do a video, a powerpoint or writing assignment. The most important thing about assessment is that you are able to assess what students know. It is simply a demonstration of knowledge.
Additionally I know that a lot of teachers also use Kahoot for formative assessment. I have some reservations about this particular application. First, there is the time component. Some students do not perform well under time constraints. Being slower to tap a button in response or consider your answer does not mean you are any less intelligent. Also, I don’t like that other students can see other students’ scores. If I were to use Kahoot for a formative assessment, I would give students code names that only the student and I would know.
Finally, I would say another acceptable form of assessment that I imagine is used quite often in this time of remote learning is Google Forms or Survey Monkey. I am more familiar with Google Forms and would say it is a great way to send out either summative or formative types of assessment. You can have multiple choice questions or short answers, even including images and videos. If you set it up in quiz mode, it can also be automatically graded for you and students can receive instant feedback.
I hope these few suggestions were helpful! I hope to learn more about assessment from others through this thread.
Thank you,
3rd Year Elementary Education Major