Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


General Science and Teaching

Absent work

Author Post
Rebekah Tetzloff Rebekah Tetzloff 105 Points

As I am doing my pre-service student teaching, I have begun to wonder what the best ways are to give students their missing homework and assignments. Some teachers like to have the students come up and ask for their assignments, some organize the missing work in folders, and some have fellow students organize the work for them. So I would like for ideas and suggestions for what worked and what didn't for some teachers. 

Thank you, 

Rebekah Tetzloff 

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5775 Points

When I taught in the classroom, I had my students ask me for their missing work. However, a few years ago I moved most of my work into a learning management system so that need disappeared. 

Joanne Park Joanne Park 685 Points


I think the best way is to make folder for missing work organizing by the days. Have folder for Monday, Tuesday, Wed, Thurs and Fri. Put the worksheet or any work that was given on that day and have student just go and check the folder for the days that they are missed. This could make student learn responsbility and this would prevent you from wasting your time in your instructional time. Also, if student come back and you are not there, the sub doesn't have to worry about finding the missing work that students need. They can just go to the missing work folder!


Amanda Zopfi Amanda Zopfi 1120 Points

I think that you should organize student work by putting all of the work they missed into a packet. You could put that packet into a bin labeled 'missed work' and have the student search through it for their name when they come in in the morning. Another idea is to put it in their cubby area (if they have one) so they can put it into their backpack when they go to put their stuff away. 

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