
Forums / Distance Learning / Have any students improved academically thorugh distance learning?

Distance Learning

Have any students improved academically thorugh distance learning?

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Manuel Vera Manuel Vera 290 Points

Distance learning has affected everyone around the country and the world. There is a lot of conversations about how this type of learning has negatively impacted many students. Has any teacher experienced the opposite? Are there any students in your classroom where distance learning benefited certain students academically? 

Victoria Jaramillo Victoria Jaramillo 270 Points

Distance learning although very flexible for students i would say that students weren't recieving the best education that they could get. I think that student lose focus during online instruction and can't retain the information that is given.

Abel Martinez Abel Martinez 370 Points

For some students, being able to take classes from home at their own pace with extended time limits has had them improve at their school work. There is also the factor of the overall stress that comes from having to wake up early to go to class all day, being around hundreds of their peers, and having to complete classwork for each period has be relieved due to distance learning. It is different for every student, but we will know more about it's affects in a few years. 

Grecia Gutierrez Grecia Gutierrez 40 Points

Hi Manuel! I believe distance learning is not always the best route for every single individual. It all depends on the student's ability to learn and unfortunately some students learn better in person in contrast to others. Due to this pandemic, we are experiencing worldwide, it has caused many students to fall behind on their coursework and be academically prepared. I'd suggest some alternatives for students who are struggling to learn through online platforms would be to attend tutoring sessions or actively engage in studying for whatever topic they are trying to learn. There are many alternatives students can choose and apply to improve in their academics. 

Jennifer Martinez Jennifer Martinez 490 Points

Hello Manuel, During the pandemic I had the opportunity to observe the point of view of myself who had online classes during high school and currently in college. In my case, I am going to be honest it was difficult because I didn't have the teacher or the professor to ask when I had a question of an assignment or due dates will pass by because I just see them through.  I also had the point of view of my siblings through online courses. In my opinion, although it was a safe environment I think it won't benefit the future generations when it comes to communication skills or when it comes for the teacher and students to connect. But overall students on a very young age such as Pre-K have been exposed and relied in electronic devices therefore in that area many students improved all because of distance learning. 

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