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General Science and Teaching

I took my Science of Teaching Reading (STR) exam today

Author Post
Josiah Bias Josiah 10 Points

I did my CRQ response first and had a first-grade student named Brianna. I used Quizlets that I found online to help prepare me for the essay part and I think I did well on that part. Honestly, in my opinion, the CRQ portion was easier than the multiple choice. The MC questions were so wordy and so lengthy I found myself having to reread them at least twice before understanding. There were def a few on there that I didn't understand, but I tried my best using 'context clues' HA get it?

I finished the exam in about 3 hours of the 5 they gave. I am usually an incredibly fast test taker so that time frame shocked me even though I know most people use the entire 5 hours. Do y'all think that is an okay amount of time considering how fast I normally take tests? I'm in my head about it.

Edited by slope game 1 day ago

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