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Elementary Science

Ipads and other technology

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Hilary De Vos Hilary de Vos 1375 Points

I have seen a few classrooms where using ipads to do exploration and used in lessons. I'm a little worried that using technologies like that in some classrooms can be distracting. I feel like there's a possibility children will focus more on the fact that they get to play on the ipad then actually learning concepts that the lesson is going trying to teach them. What are your thoughts on using technologies in the classroom like ipads?

Laura Tun Laura 1840 Points

Hello, I think that using iPads in class can be very beneficial to students because there are a lot of educational apps for students to do. Students now a days are very tech savvy gasp the concept of using tech devises. It can be a little distracting for students, and it seems like that is what you're worried about. What I would recommend is doing small group activities for the related topic and have students rotate around the room doing different activities, that way you can have better control of the students using the iPads and make sure that they stay on task. Hopefully this suggestion helps. -Laura Tun

Jessica Orozco Jessica Orozco 1140 Points

I have seen technology been used in math, science, and reading. It could is a tool in which it could enhance students knowledge it all depends on how it is been model and monitor by the teacher.

Lauren Bonnet Lauren Bonnet 16070 Points

I agree with the idea that the students may think they are playing, but they do learn while using technology. Students these days are very technology based, don't think they would survive when we grew up! With my students they use a program called IStation and other apps in all subject areas. There is a way to lock them into that app which does not allow them to sneak into other apps or get off task. Discovering how each of your children learn is a start in how to teach them. I think technology is helpful but may also be a distraction. Just be sure it is appropriate for the activity and actullay has a learning component, such as a quiz or review, so that the students are obtaingin some information.

Louis Aceituno Louis Aceituno 5435 Points

iPads and using technology is a great learning tool that students can implement in classrooms. I understand that you may be worried about children not focusing and overlooking the educational purpose on using iPads; however, it depends how the educator facilitates its use. A teacher needs to ensure that children are doing what they are expected to implement.

Louis Aceituno Louis Aceituno 5435 Points

iPads and using technology is a great learning tool that students can implement in classrooms. I understand that you may be worried about children not focusing and overlooking the educational purpose on using iPads; however, it depends how the educator facilitates its use. A teacher needs to ensure that children are doing what they are expected to implement.

Ana C Rodarte Ana C Rodarte 2020 Points

Hi, I know that it may be a bit frightful to allow technology in the classroom, but one thing that we do see is that technology is an essential component to this era. With the the correct protocols and classroom management technology can be used in so many different ways. The act of playing is actually an ideal form of learning because the brain stores information due to the game, and because a game is Fun the students will memorize what the game required in order to play in the future. From personal experience I have seen that games have truly helped my struggling students excel in the subject. Just have confidence and set the boundaries without attempting to over power.

Cinthia Rodriguez Cinthia Rodriguez 4505 Points

My first graders, just started using Ipads and they enjoyed learning how to use it. I believe it is a useful resource if used appropriately.

Christopher Fiscus Christopher Fiscus 17525 Points

Hello, Students today are some of the most technologically advanced group of learners we are ever going to come across within our classrooms. I know you are apprehensive about the idea of students using IPads, but I believe they are beneficial to students in the classroom and can assist you, the teacher, in your instruction. Classroom teachers have a wealth of ways to make sure students are accessing what they are supposed to do. Teachers have access to all students’ screens; can block websites, and apps. Students that I work with have access to laptops and IPads and do extremely well with these technologies especially the ones who have difficult writing. I believe technology can be beneficial to students learning and understanding, but it is important that the teacher makes sure students are not getting off task and are held accountable for their actions. Good Luck!

Liang Guo Liang Guo 1245 Points

Hello! I do think using technology like iPad in classroom is a good idea. I am doing my observation in an public elementary school, and in this school, each classroom is equipped with iPad. They have different study stations and technology is one of them. All the apps in iPad is about study like science, math and reading games. No matter which app the kids are using, they are practicing at the same time.

Christa Cawley Christa Cawley 475 Points

I agree that teaching on iPads could easily be unsuccessful. I think it depends on the teacher's teaching style and classroom management. If a teacher is confident enough in him/herself to be able to handle 20+ iPads around children, I think the teacher can manage a lesson on the iPads. Personally, I would probably use them every now and then if made available to me in my future classroom. I would probably use it more as a reviewing tool than a more serious learning tool though, because I do believe it could get distracting also. Great point!

Linda Ngo Linda Ngo 2775 Points

The school that I student taught has an ipad. I student teach in 1st grade class and my cooperating teacher only uses the ipad for mostly workstation. That was the only time they can use it.

Logan Danna Logan 1200 Points

I feel that technology can be beneficial but that it is not without its drawbacks. For example, how many children (3rd grade +) are able to sit and read a passage (one passage) without loosing interest? Having technology in the classroom, I feel, is leading to a decrease in attention span as children get older whereas children's attention spans are supposed to get longer as they get older. Also, Children need to know how to solve problems and come to solutions free of technology that way when they do use technology they also have the ability to question it. Technology can break and is not 100% reliable 100% of the time, children need to know the skills necessary to get along without technology.

Elisia Grim Elisia 2040 Points

There is always a potential for distraction when using any technology in the classroom. However, the pros out weigh the cons. I would recommend discussing clear guidelines and consequences with your students before using computers in the classroom to help avoid any major disruptions or improper use.

Emily Rothenberg Emily Rothenberg 3395 Points

In my opinion, I believe that using technology in the classroom has its advantages and disadvantages. For certain subjects, the iPad can be put to great use, such as reading or history, but I believe that with Science, the students should be more exposed to hands-on activities or experiments in order for them to get the most out of the lesson. Children learn best when they are asked to do something in Science, like an experiment or a hands-on activity, rather than studying from an iPad. It causes less distractions because the students will be focused on what they are doing in order to complete the activity and, at the same time, they will be enjoying their time in the classroom.

Sarah Makowski Sarah Makowski 680 Points

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92361 Points

Hi Hilary, I understand your trepidation; however, iPads have so many educational apps now. But like anything else need there needs to be parameters in place so that students will use the tech tools appropriately. Our students are very tech savvy and when allowed to use iPads as the vehicle to learn science, I think it only enhances the learning experience for them. What are others' thoughts? Carolyn

Kaitlyn Quinn Kaitlyn Quinn 1465 Points

I can definitely understand your concerns with utilizing a new technology in the classroom. However, I think that educational applications that are now available greatly outweigh the minor distractions that it may cause. The reason I say this is because the applications that are being created today engage a student way more then a typical book lesson. This is partly because the applications being created are predominately educational games, but also because students are being brought up in an age where technology is readily available in most homes. Therefore most students are used to learning on an i-pad or computer when they enter school.

Nicole Bristol Nicole Bristol 595 Points

Well stated Kaitlyn. I am currently a student teacher and will soon be applying to teaching positions. Every district representative that has spoken to us about apply has mentioned the use of technology in the classroom. Technology is a HUGE deal right now. It is much more engaging to students and there are so many wonderful programs and apps out their designed for students. I know the management part can be tough but make sure to set clear expectations. I think it important to make it very clear to students from the beginning that the technology is a tool, not a toy. Communicate to students the rules for using the technology and implement routines and procedures for taking out/putting away the devices.

Brooke Reio Brooke Reio 2050 Points

I think that using technology in class is a great tool. Yes, students do get over-excited sometimes, but it does not take away from their learning experience. My Kindergarteners are always ready and thrilled to learn when I mention the use of IPads or computers. Once their focus has directed to the assignment or activity, they become involved and are learning useful information. There are many exceptional sites and apps that allow students to further their development on science concepts. Some cool science apps are: Video Science, Solar Walk, Sid the Science Kid, and GazziliScience. All of these apps are interactive and can help reinforce science concepts. Due to the popularity of technology and its benefits, it makes sense to start incorporating technology into the classroom. Students always have their minds on technology, so by using that technology, they are less likely to have technology on their mind and more likely to focus on the assignment or activity. Technology does not have to be the only means of instruction, but it can come in handy and is an excellent resource in today's society.

Sonia Darwich Sonia Darwich 4740 Points

I think students should learn and be involve with technology such as computers, iPads, interactive boards while learning science and other subjects, however the step that is essential if not crucial is to plan technology programs that will help our students to enhance their learning. Furthermore, besides technology help in the "interactive process" it helps also to research and investigate beyond the concept we are teaching.

ISAURA JEREZ Isaura Jerez 3820 Points

I do understand your concern, but I can assure you that Ipads are a great tool nowadays for students to learn. Technology is taking over, and students need to be exposed to it. We just have to monitor our classes to make sure they don't get distracted with anything else, but I can assure you that students will be more focused in the lesson if we incorporate technology.

Kaitlyn Quinn Kaitlyn Quinn 1465 Points

I think that utilizing the educational applications that are available on the I-pad will definitely help students. I think that a teacher needs to make it abundantly clear in the beginning of the year that I-pads are only used for these apps and not for individual exploration on the web unless instructed to do so.

Chad Byers Chad Byers 1500 Points

I believe if you set solid ground rules for the use of the Ipads the majority of your students will use them for what you intend them to be used for. You may want to do a trial run so to speak with a quick mini-lesson or two to see how they react. You may find that they really like using them as a learning tool. You may also find they are more engaged when using them. I would advise establishing proper rules and regulations for their use, as well as give each students a copy of the rules so they know what it and what isn't proper use. Good Luck!

Roselyn Anglade Roselyn Anglade 4925 Points

I think that iPads can be a great asset to any science lesson, if used appropriately. Teachers must be care not to use the iPads to teach the lesson, they should only be used to enhance the lesson, so students should already know the uses and procedures for using iPads before the lesson begins. Many times when we decide to incorporate technology into our lessons we use it as means to teach the lesson, letting the technology lead the lesson, it is important not to convey this message to students. They need to be able to understand is just another a resources as a dictionary of natural observation, but not what they are meant to be learning. With that said, as I previously stated I think technology is extraordinary, today children grow up with gadgets in their hands, they know how to use a computer or smart phone before they know how to write their names. It can almost be argued that the use of technology is the classroom is the same as incorporating a different learning style into your lesson. With everything it does have its challenges, but with the appropriate structure and organization of it into the lesson it can enhance any lesson.

Ashley Hansen Ashley Hansen 230 Points

I have seen many teachers make use of iPads in their classrooms and I believe that they are a beneficial tool to use in the classroom. iPads tend to motivate students and they are engaging.

Bianca Julien Bianca Julien 5010 Points

To have Ipads in the classroom to me is a great idea. We are living in the 21st century and everything around us is all about technology, so why not implement technology into or lessons. Ipads can help teachers add more hands-on activities into the classroom.

Jennifer Rahn Jennifer Rahn 67955 Points

I am in a district where one high school has adopted a one-to-one ipad program. Though I do see potential in their use, I also see a lot of students using them to check Facebook and take lots of "selfies" and do impromptu editing. Many teachers use them to provide video lectures, as well as notes and homework. Unfortunately, teachers sometimes provide students with a list of activities, and virtually abdicate interaction with the students. I think this could lead to reduced understanding of the application of the concepts they are learning to the "real world;" it seems like we are trying to isolate the concepts for delivery using technology. I see a lot of using technology for the sake of incorporating technology, because it has promise, but I think we really need to carefully design how it is to support and enhance learning.

Stephanie Musser Stephanie Musser 1070 Points

I think that it is so important that iPads and other forms of technology be used in classrooms. Having worked with students with special needs, I find technology to be the easiest to use. With iPads I was able to download spelling games, math activities, and so much more. This became especially helpful when the students would become restless with their paper work. I will most likely use these forms of technology when I have my own classroom.

Sandy Gady Sandy Gady 43175 Points

Hilary, your concern is a very valid one. What we have to remember is these students are all digital natives. They have grown up with electronic devices of one kind or another their whole entire lives. They don’t know a world that doesn’t have technology attached to it. Many read their first book on a Kindle, are entertained by video, computer or x-box offerings. The real key is to teach them to be discerning learners and apply their natural curiosity and love of learning in a meaningful way. There are so many really great applications available for students that are either free or nearly free. The benefits of the advanced learning that could occur from the use of the iPads or tablets most certainly outweighs the reasons for not using them. As with all technology, they have to be maintained and used responsibly. I will never forget when I was presenting to a group of teachers and I was asked about internet safety, protocols and the effective use of technology with students. The questioner asked me if I wasn’t afraid of all the horrible things students could do with them. How would I ever teach them the dangers that await them? My reply, “If not me, then who?” If we don’t teach how to act responsibly then no one will. Imagine what they could do if they learned to use them appropriately.

Danielle Krueger Danielle Krueger 775 Points

Initially I thought most technology would benefit any classroom. As a preservice teacher, I assumed most teachers would embrace Ipads, Smart-boards, and having computers in the classrooms. During my recent observations in a lower-income community elementary school, I realized that technology in the classroom can actually backfire. I listened to teachers explain how relying on technology in their classrooms actually set them back. For instance, they couldn't afford to fix the computers when they malfunctioned, and the school administration was of no help, so they lost all information and grades they had computed and stored on the hard drive. The students were also very disappointed to not have their computer programs that they previously enjoyed. Most of the students in that particular school do not have even a computer in their own home, so current technology was considered a luxury for them. We can't assume all students have access to smart phones, tablets, or even computers. Another example I've witnessed of technology backfiring is when teachers only use their Ipads/SmartBoards/Computers for students' entertainment or to keep them preoccupied, instead of for educational purposes. Teachers start relying on an Ipad or computer to fill time, instead of using the technology for learning purposes. So I've concluded that it may not be appropriate for every teacher or classroom to embrace the current trends of including technology. If you have the resources to add technology to the classroom AND maintain them, then perhaps you should consider including it. If you are actually going to try to enhance the students' learning experience with technology, then it may be a great asset to your classroom. Like many of the other posts acknowledged, there are a lot of APPs and websites available to you to enhance your students' learning specifically from the Ipad. Keep in mind your students' interests and needs as well as the function of the Ipad in your classroom when deciding whether or not to bring the Ipad into your classroom. I do love technology and embrace it, don't get me wrong. I'm just learning that it's not the best tool for all classrooms.

Noelle Wright Noelle Wright 3335 Points

I see what you're saying about using iPads in the classroom but I happen to think that it is a really good idea for many reasons. For one students learn best when they are having fun. Being able to use iPads is really fun for children. In addition, there are a lot of cool apps available for children. Another thing is you can have it as a privilege to use the iPads. If they don't earn the privilege then they cannot use the iPad. Another concern many people may have is that they might come across inappropriate material. However, the school system has filters to block out such material and prevent the students from going on certain sites.

Richard Varner Richard Varner 955 Points

Hilary, I am in favor of 1 to 1 technologies, but I am also very skeptical of their implementations across the country without systematic and strategic planning. Often what is a feel-good headline or a ploy to bring voters to one party or another does not bring the leadership and funding commitments to be lasting and effective. Some reasons to give pause: -If you read the research and blogisphere reports, even at the collegiate level, studies on multitasking have equated to "off-task" behaviors no less than 35% of the time under what are proposed to be important deadline scenarios. -Major school systems have placed on hold what they had intended to implement watching what is transpiring in Los Angeles as political conflicts, leadership waivering and funding problems take center stage related to a 1 to 1 system-wide implementation. -Many school systems do not fully implement their 1 to 1 plans because they cannot sustain the funding beyond the duration of a superintendent's tenure in their system. -iPads and other comparable hardware have had questions regarding the preloaded content and durability of the security required for inquiring digital natives' use. Like I said I am fully in support of this use of technology, but I think it needs to start with a Kindergarten/First Grade class and migrate through the system. If students are using the dynamic new technologies their needs to be exceptional professional development that takes place 'ahead' of its implementation, so there are fewer instances of building the car while driving it. The students' use needs to also be a game changer, not merely an electronic version of what they already have. There needs to be developmentally appropriate collaboration between students that leads to the production of new materials. Every science lesson is not only an investigation, but an opportunity to ponder and publish. One example I like to share is the elementary class that wrote and published the book, "Poor Pluto" as a result of their displeasure with the redefining of the dwarf planets and Plutoids. I believe this was an individual teacher's effort and not with 1 to 1 levels of technology available. Good luck with your efforts!

Kyoungjun Jee Kyoungjun Jee 40 Points

I'm a elementary school teacher in korea. I Think Ipad sometimes uses in classroom but it is not enough for teaching. Ipad have to use only tools for teaching.

Lisa Liss Lisa Liss 230 Points

I wish that I had this problem! Our district and especially our school is so outdated with technology. We have 10 year old desktops that work occassionaly at best. I know that technology is important, but we are so far behind other schools. When people say education is equal, they are far from correct. I try to use my personal laptop to teach my students as much as I can. I had a SMART Board on my floor for two years until the district finally installed it. Now it has been 3 years since I have used one, I am struggling to remember how. So, do I think IPads and such are important, YES! My students are at a disadvantage because of our lack of technolgy.

Kathy Renfrew Kathy Renfrew 37248 Points

I think the IPAD and other technologies are one tool in a teacher's tool box. They are used, but not for everything. They can be a very valuable tool. I hope they are being used beyond games. Kathy

Amanda Upton Amanda Upton 6030 Points

You may want to attend a PASCO or Vernier session that integrates the use of technology, i.e. iPads in the classroom. You can also receive technology funding by applying for one of their awards. Check out our webpage for their award applications at

Dianne Spencer Dianne Spencer 1140 Points

This is a great topic! I teach K-5 Science Lab and I have used the ipads a few times with great success! My favorite lesson used the app STARCHART. Second and fourth grades both cover constellations and stars so it was easy to incorporate this technology as a learning tool. Teaching the students about constellations while they are using the ipad is a lot of fun. They simply aim the ipad at an area in the sky and the ipad identifies the objects in space. The app has several settings that can be taught quickly and the students really picked up on how to use it very easily. We identified and located the major constellations beginning with the circumpolar region then used the details in the app to learn specific star names and we even learned about the seasons in which the constellations can be viewed in the northern hemisphere. I agree that sometimes technology can be a big distraction and take away from the learning, but in this case it absolutely brought the stars into my classroom and exposed the students to the night sky like never before! I can't wait till next year to do it again!

Caryn Meirs Caryn Meirs 26235 Points

One of the negatives that people bring u about ipads and other technology in the classroom is the distractability/on task factor. How do I know if the students are in the right app or on the right website? How do I keep the kids from going all over the place?

This just came across my inbox - its a feature I had never heard about --- a way to lock the ipad into the app you are in! It is from the Teq Newsletter this week:

Guided Access allows you to “lock” a student into an app by disabling the home button. This is great to keep the students on task and stop them from exploring whatever else is on the iPad. Guided Access also lets you customize what parts of the iPad screen the student is able to interact with. If there is a part of an app that you do not want the student to be able to touch (like for in-app purchases), you have that ability.

William Morrow William Morrow 1410 Points

As long as you have clear expectations of how the iPads or technology is used there shouldn't be any real problems with distractions. Going along with that make the rules with the children and make sure that any consequences are followed. Also, ensuring that the activity chosen is an authentic task, rather than a cute or fun should allow for better learning as well as engagement from the students.

Sydney Eaton Sydney Eaton 4665 Points

I am a Student Teacher in a Fourth Grade classroom this year. We use iPads in our classroom for students to extend their learning. I think that using technology is important for students to become familiar with it, but I also think that technology has it's limits, especially in science lessons. For science to be real, students need to experience it hands-on, not from a screen. Students can use the technology to research and learn about science, but personally, I would prefer they do experiments hands-on, not through an app. Technology is great, but children also need real-life, hands-on experiences.

Nina Zhen Nina Zhen 1905 Points

Digital technology definitely has its benefits and drawbacks. In this case, the iPad can aid with research and data collection when restrictions are applied. However, reading about science concepts on a screen can only go so far. I agree with you that learning through hands-on experiences should be emphasized more than digital means. Hands-on experiences are more engaging and interactive, which means students are more likely to remember the concepts. They also learn how fun science can be, which increases their intrinsic motivation.

Mariana Morales Mariana Morales 885 Points

When you are teaching though new technologies you have to have limits. You can always block websites students but like you said they could be focused on the fact that they get to play on the Ipad. If you provide more opportunities for hands on learning then I believe using an Ipad can be beneficial. I think Ipads are perfect to incorporate differentiation. This article I found talks about ways you can take advantage of using Ipads in the classroom. Such advantages include apps for your lesson and how Ipads cater to kinesthetic learners.

Jennifer Cooper Jennifer Cooper 2025 Points

I think when it comes technology in the classroom, it can be a HUGE help. But when it comes to science I feel it is better to do hands on activities. Using an iPad doesn't allow the students to get there hands dirty and actually do something with science.

Najwa Al-Mohamed Najwa Al-Mohamed 4280 Points

Hello, I am currently a student teacher and in a first grade classroom. Students in my classroom definitely use technology as part of learning. I understand many individuals have concerns about incorporating technology, but it all depends how the educator implements the technology. If done correctly, then the teacher should not have to worry about students getting off task. The technology is not a "babysitter," but rather it serves as a learning tool for students.

Ruchi Sharma Ruchi Sharma 1290 Points

We have just started using iPad as a tool for assessment purposes. I guess as far as we use it only as a tool for teaching and mainatain a fine balance of technology and teaching together it gives a great boost to any lesson. We have just started using Kahoot quizzes in science for formative assessments and so far the output has been great.

Jorge Ramos jorge ramos 2140 Points

I think using technology is important especially with the new generations because most children are exposed to it. There are many wonderful apps and online activities that are education for children. I see this as a great way for students to do some exploration on their own and then go in deeper to the fundamentals of what you are trying to teach them.

Morgan Kueter Jennifer Kueter 415 Points

I would LOVE to know what apps teachers are using with their students. My biggest challenge is finding apps that are appropriate and scientifically accurate. Thanks! Jen

Tristana Guyote Tristana Guyote 850 Points

I personally feel that technology is only appropriate when doing research and it should only be a desk top computer. iPads are a great distraction to students because all they would want to do is play games and not really pay attention to what they're learning.

Connie Davidson Connie Davidson 800 Points

I have observed Ipads used as an accommodation in the classroom however, I agree that the use if the IPad does cause a distraction as the learner is only motivated to complete the task because of the technology tool

Alexandria Charles Alexandria Charles 1520 Points

In my second grade classroom we have used a variety of virtual experiments online via our smart board. Students enjoys playing and manipulating variables on the screen. Its interactive and educational. After, we discuss and apply concepts and ideas in the classroom. The use of technology cannot just be fun. Students still need to build upon, or correct, previous knowledge. I am curious about the use of smart boards as a whole group versus the use of iPads in partners or individuals.

Christina Manriquez Christina Manriquez 1190 Points

I observed in a classroom where they had a class set of iPads and I think with the right mindset, having this as a tool in your classroom can be very beneficial! I know a lot of students were always excited to use the iPads, either as a center activity of individual work. I know the teacher I was observing at the time had done research and provided the set of iPads with a lot of apps that that went along with the curriculum that was being taught at the time, and everything was organized in different widgets. Having a specific set of rules and guidelines for students to follow can also help lower the distraction among themselves.

Sha' Antoinette Price Sha' Price 4615 Points

I think using technology in the classroom is a great way to engage students. I'm currently Student Teaching in a fourth grade ELA/Social Studies class. In their free time, students are allowed to read on NOOKs. I've noticed students are more willing and excited to read when they can use technology. I believe as long as guidelines are in place, the technology should not be a distraction. If so, there are resources available to block certain sites.

Vanessa Zach Vanessa Zach 2840 Points

I personally think that using iPads in the classroom is a great idea. It is important to keep the students engaged and what better way than through the introduction of technology into the classroom. Initially it may seem exciting and a bit of a distraction but if what you're using it for is interesting then you'll definitely catch their attention. It is also important to ensure that the iPads have restrictions following your county's policies. All in all, technology is up and coming right now and by using something that the students are so familiar with it'll facilitate the lesson. This is also beneficial in having different modalities in the classroom because often times students do not have enough of the tactile modality so this fits the bill! It's a go-for-it from me!

Vanessa Zach Vanessa Zach 2840 Points

I personally think that using iPads in the classroom is a great idea. It is important to keep the students engaged and what better way than through the introduction of technology into the classroom. Initially it may seem exciting and a bit of a distraction but if what you're using it for is interesting then you'll definitely catch their attention. It is also important to ensure that the iPads have restrictions following your county's policies. All in all, technology is up and coming right now and by using something that the students are so familiar with it'll facilitate the lesson. This is also beneficial in having different modalities in the classroom because often times students do not have enough of the tactile modality so this fits the bill! It's a go-for-it from me!

Raniah Adams Raniah Adams 1515 Points

I agree and disagree it can become a distraction but you have to monitor and keep students engaged.

Denae Boston Denae Boston 1245 Points

l love the idea of using technology in the classroom. I think it benefits the students and the teacher. The students develop technology skills by working with ipads and computers in the classroom. These skills will benefit them in the future. I also see where the technology can be distracting for some students. However, I think if the technology is used properly, it is a great idea to have it in the classroom!

Jaimie Dobbins Jaimie Dobbins 2380 Points

My students respond well to using the iPads to explore the topics being discussed in class. In my experience, the students are not overly distracted by the technology as long as the teacher sets crystal clear expectations for the students to follow while utilizing technology resources.

Abnerys Leon Abnerys Leon 4810 Points

Personally, I believe that technology such as iPads can actively engage students in ways that a normal lesson might not. For instance, we can use simulations and virtual field trips to teach students about many different topics in science if we are not able to go to certain places or have certain materials to conduct certain labs. For example, students can go on a virtual field trip to Ellis Island via Although I do agree that some students may find technology distracting, I believe that they are most beneficial to students. When engaging students in games and using technology, students are learning while having fun; thus, they are more likely to retain the information being taught. It provides them with hands-on experiences. Even if it may not seem so, students will remember this experience because they are engaging in a hands-on experience and using technology that they love. I am now a preservice teacher and I look forward to using technology in my future classroom. I further believe that technology should be used with a balance of real-life experiences, use of textbooks, and classroom lab inquiry activities. In other words, technology does not need to be used to teach everything within a school classroom but rather to enhance concepts being learned.

Alexandra Catena Alexandra Catena 985 Points

From what I've seen, Technology can be a great tool, but also a great distraction. I think that using it in moderation and as a special treat is great because there are some things that technology does better than we do, but the presence and hands on activities with a teacher is what makes education unique and memorable. At the end of the day, students will rarely remember something online, but something you accomplish together as a class will leave an impact.

Alexandra Catena Alexandra Catena 985 Points

From what I've seen, Technology can be a great tool, but also a great distraction. I think that using it in moderation and as a special treat is great because there are some things that technology does better than we do, but the presence and hands on activities with a teacher is what makes education unique and memorable. At the end of the day, students will rarely remember something online, but something you accomplish together as a class will leave an impact.

Alexandra Catena Alexandra Catena 985 Points

From what I've seen, Technology can be a great tool, but also a great distraction. I think that using it in moderation and as a special treat is great because there are some things that technology does better than we do, but the presence and hands on activities with a teacher is what makes education unique and memorable. At the end of the day, students will rarely remember something online, but something you accomplish together as a class will leave an impact.

Mayara Cofresi Mayara Cofresi 725 Points

I feel that using technology in the classroom is very beneficial to students. By incorporating technology, the teacher will be able to attain student's attention a lot easier. When a teacher is presenting new material, it is often easier to give students real life examples. For instance, if a student doesn't know what something looks like they can simply pull up the image on the ipad. This in turn makes learning more enjoyable and educational for the students.

Stephanie Guerra Stephanie Guerra 1050 Points

I think technology is a great tool to incorporate into all types of lessons. It can grab the students' attention and they can learn from it. In regard, to ipads you just have find the right types of apps and resources. Good apps will help the students learn and will not just distract them. If the main focus of the app or website is to learn something then it will not distract the students from that topic. I believe that technology is great to incorporate but you just have to find the right resources.

Stephanie Guerra Stephanie Guerra 1050 Points

I think technology is a great tool to incorporate into all types of lessons. It can grab the students' attention and they can learn from it. In regard, to ipads you just have find the right types of apps and resources. Good apps will help the students learn and will not just distract them. If the main focus of the app or website is to learn something then it will not distract the students from that topic. I believe that technology is great to incorporate but you just have to find the right resources.

Marci McGlin Marci McGlin 375 Points

I think using technology in the classroom, like iPads, is a good thing. We are so surrounded by technology these days that it is hard to get away from it even when we try. I know many students prefer to type no over write and a lot of them have grown up with a computer or smart device in their hands practically. I think technology is a great way to get in touch with our students. I do agree that it can be distracting at times but I feel that if you set rules and strictly enforce them than you will create a classroom culture of staying on task while the iPads are out. I believe there are some really great apps out there for our students to discover, explore, and use and I think that by not allowing them to use technology, in this case iPads, than we are holding them back from a whole different aspect of learning and an entire field of information that expands past the textbooks.

Van Phan Van Phan 1535 Points

I believe that technology can really benefit students' learning, especially in today's generation. There are so many websites and resources that technology provides to give children advanced education that they need. Also, I think kids need to be exposed and be familiar with technology because it is all around us! This is not something you can avoid. However, I do also believe that too much technology can just lead to addiction and students being non-productive so I say the best thing you can do is use it in moderation! I hope this helps.

Jessica Pacheco Jessica Pacheco 1370 Points

In my field placement we have the opportunity for students to use iPads and you can see how much they help the students understand what they are currently learning in the classroom. Although iPads are very helpful we don't really use them unless they are using them at their stations.

Erika Jackson Erika Jackson 1690 Points

This is a very interesting topic. I thinking there is a lot of concerns surrounding (BYOD) bring your own device. But I think when facilitated with the proper classroom management it is actually a very useful tool in the classroom. I believe it provides students with an engaging and hands on experiences. I also think it appeals to those students who are visual learners. Of course the I pad's should not be used all the time but, from my experiences I have learned that they are manageable to monitor in small group settings versus whole group settings.

Beatriz Candelaria Beatriz Candelaria 2620 Points

When in comes to technology in classrooms, I don't know whether I support 100% or don't. I believe that Ipads and computers can be very beneficial, but as teacher we have to be smart in the way we use them. We should not depend on Ipads and Computers to teach students what WE should be teaching. We cant use technology to replace actual lessons. Technology should be use to facilitate our lessons with videos, images, and presentations but nothing should replace students doing actual experiments and actually going out and interacting with nature.

Stephanie Gomez Stephanie 3690 Points

I personally think iPads could be used well if it's restricted to only the things that the students are supposed to be focusing on. For instance, if you're using an app, if there's a way to lock the screen so they cannot go to safari (like a parental lock) that could benefit your lesson so they pay attention to only what you want them to do. Besides, a lot of students use technology at home so I don't think using an iPad itself could be very distracting. On the other hand, using an iPad could also introduce students to this technology if they are unfamiliar to it.

Diana Ponce Diana Ponce 1615 Points

I think that using ipads in the classroom is a great idea. Kids love ipads, and are much more engaged when using them. There are many great educational apps that I have seen being used in the classroom. The teacher just has to do some research.

Diana Ponce Diana Ponce 1615 Points

I think that using ipads in the classroom is a great idea. Kids love ipads, and are much more engaged when using them. There are many great educational apps that I have seen being used in the classroom. The teacher just has to do some research.

Bakhtawar Azeem Bakhtawar Azeem 2410 Points

We live in a technology rich society and age. Incorporating iPads in the lessons would be a phenomenal idea. I understand that you're worried that the students will get distracted and go off somewhere else while using the iPad as an educational tool. However, it is important to note that students will get distracted and wander off whether you're using an iPad, computer, or textbook. These things can and will happen when working with children, it even still happens when working with adults. Using iPads in the classroom may even be more beneficial than teaching from the textbook or doing another activity. Students will be so excited that they get to use an iPad, they will be more likely to participate in the lesson, in my opinion. Also, our job as teachers is to prepare students for the future. The future is technology rich, as is the present. Students deserve these opportunities to learn how to use and gain experiences with such technology. Especially students who come from an economically disadvantaged background.

Celina Velasquez Celina Velasquez 655 Points

Technology is a part of science. Students are engaged to use IPads but I feel that they also need an opportunity to use their five senses. Students need to experience the outdoors. There is nothing wrong with integrating technology but I believe students will benefit from well balanced activities.

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