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3D Printing in schools

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Taylor Walden Taylor Walden 550 Points

If you are interested in learning more about 3D Printing and what all it entails this powerpoint could be a good resource for you or your school. This presentation was developed specifically for teachers and school staff to introduce them to 3D Printing. 


Charles Lynch Charles Lynch 10 Points

Thank you so much for the presentation! I used it in my program, but made a few additions. I added a number of examples with 3D models ready to print from here. It's important to understand that before you choose any 3D model, you have to make sure it's ready to print. If you are interested in my version of the presentation, please PM me and I will send it to you.

Hannah Ballantyne Hannah Ballantyne 3705 Points

Thanks for sharing this! I did not know much about 3-D printing before viewing this presentation, but this really helped. I think it would be beneficial for my future school to purchase a 3-D printer, so my students have access to it. I never realized how many positives there were to using them in your classroom. I think it would be a great resource for my students to use and spark their interest into whatever topic we are learning about. I like that this 3D printer can be used in every subject, as well as teaching them 21st Century Skills. I think 3-D printers are so amazing, and I know my students would feel the same way. I look forward to searching for NSTA lesson plans that incorporate 3-D printers in your classroom.

Brooke Tatz Brooke Tatz 3268 Points

Thank you for sharing this! I also know very little about 3-D printing. I know I have one available to me on campus (I am a preservice teacher) but I have been too scared to try it out! After reading this article, I am beginning to think that I should familiarize myself with ways to use a 3-printer because it might not be long before we see them in our elementary schools.

Fahad Khan Fahad Khan 50 Points

After ordering my printer online, I just started forcing myself to learn modelling. So I'd first suggest you order a printing machine. This will provide you with an incentive to begin modelling seriously.

I started the life of this account so that it wasn't long and not yet an expert, but since that time I have designed so much and the software I use is the Fusion 360.

Jeffery Rolland Jeffery Rolland 110 Points

Using the control panel and Add A Device, manually instal your printer on your computer. When adding a printer check details here, use the IP address that can be found on it.

The Printer App's auto-connection approach does not function for some reason, however manually installing the device with the IP address does.

I'm only reposting this because I couldn't find this solution offered anywhere else online, and I'm hoping that my post can help anyone else who is having the same problem.

Suzanne Goolsby Suzanne Goolsby 825 Points

Thank you for your power point presentation. My school has recently ordered a 3D printer. I am trying to learn as much as I can about the programs and what I need to teach the students to be able to use the new machine. My student's are super excited to be able to build with the printer. I would appreciate any advise.


Jessica Thomas Jessica Thomas 320 Points

I don't know the age group, but if this is their first exposure to 3D printing, I can't recommend Tinkercad enough.

Tinkercad is a free website. All designs are stored in the cloud, so no need for downloading software. You can set students up as a class and you can monitor their designs. There are starter lessons for people totally new to design that teaches them all the different controls. There are lesson plans available, from simple to very complex.

Suzanne Goolsby Suzanne Goolsby 825 Points

Thank you so much. I have started using tinkercad with my students. We have made a keychain with the school name on it. We have a FlashForge Dreamer. It has dual extruders. I am having trouble with using the left extruder to make a design. I can manually check it and it does work. However, I cannot get the left extruder to print. Does anyone know anything or have any ideas? I have reached out to the Flashforge company, but they do not understand my question.


Lauren Cramer Lauren Cramer 2025 Points

This is a great resource. Thank you for sharing this!

Matthew Blevins Matthew Blevins 45 Points

After reading this post I think all school districts should have a 3D printer. I believe it could be used to grow childrens mind and be used in multiple subjects. In elementary you can use it too show the 3D element of figures for volume. The main question would be what would you allow each grade level too do with it? Who would come up with the limitations for each grade. 

Jegego Itigadom Jegego 100 Points

This is a great resource. Thank you for sharing this!


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