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Student teaching advice

Author Post
Skyler Stoll Skyler Stoll 498 Points

Hello everyone, 

I was wondering if someone can give me some insight on how I can continue to grow as a future educator. I just had a formal observation in my science class, today, and I thought everything went well but after discussions I felt there a lot I have to improve on. Trying to balance all my methods course, certfication exams, part-time worker, and preparing each week for my internship is daunting. I want to know if anyone has any suggestions so I am not overwhelmed and have confidence in what I am teaching for my students. There is some comments I can easily fix, but classroom managment strategies is hard to reach each and every one of the students. I know it was my first time getting in front of the class teaching and it will take time and patience to feel completely comfortable in my new environment. I feel like I know the material I am presenting and make adjustments throughout the day, but some of the students ask questions that I cannot answer and feel discouraged and unprepared. Can anyone give me any suggestions and how to overcome being overwhelmed? 

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