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Teaching Science to Kindergarten in a Short Time Frame

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Jennifer Arbaiza Jennifer Arbaiza 1635 Points

The district that I am currently working in only gives me 15 minutes a day and three days a week to teach science to my kindergarteners. I'm having a really hard time making the lessons meaningful to my students in such a short time period. is there any strategies or lessons that i could use in my classroom that would make those 15 minutes as engaging as possible?

Katie Anderson Katie Anderson 165 Points

I agree that you should incorporate your science into other subject areas to allow more time for science to be addressed. STEM lessons could definitely help you learn to incorporate many subject areas into one lesson.

Ashton Elliott Ashton Elliott 180 Points

Try integrating science into other parts of your day as well as other subject areas. There is always some sort of way to tie it in. Make the most of your 15 minutes and provide a fun, interactive, and engaging lesson that the kids will love and remember. You could try and make week long lessons as well, working on them over the course of the three days.

Andrea Nodarse Andrea Nodarse 280 Points

Hello! Fifteen minutes only? That doesn't seem like enough time at all to teach kindergartners science! I am a college student working toward my BA in Elementary Education but I think that I would try to incorporate science in different subjects. Science is everywhere. However, if you really only have 15 minutes, I would try to bring up something engaging like a non-fictional story for the children to read and then bring up examples throughout the day about the lesson. This way, they are eager to learn more the next day about that subject. 

Marlene Cadena Marlene 1275 Points

Integrating science into other subject areas would give you the opportunity to actually have the students engage in experiments. 15 minutes are not enough to have a meaningful science lesson I think integrating it would be the most beneficial.

Dallas Aguilar Dallas Aguilar 850 Points

It does not get much better for fourth graders either! They get thirty-five minutes a day maybe three times a week. By the time you get the content taught, it does not leave any time for experiments or other hands on activites.

Elizabeth Llanas Elizabeth Llanas 665 Points

My friend had this similar problem as she is also in Kindergarten. Like everyone else, I would try to integrate the lesson as much as possible with other subject. For example, during reading you can read a book about a certain topic (plants) and then during writing, have the students write about the book. The children can describe characteristics (have, need, and give) and you can create a brace map and add on to it. 

Neyra Hanley Neyra Hanley 915 Points

Hi Jennifer, Hope everything is going well in your classroom.  I am a student teacher in an elelementary school in Texas. My cooperative teacher has the same problem. She incorporates science into reading,math and social studies. She even uses science  concepts to  do word study. She may start with a book that regards a science concept and introduce it as a read aloud.The she CAN use the same book to look for dipthongs. Hope this can give you some ideas for your classroom.

Arrie Winston Arrie Winston 1020 Points

How about trying cross learning activities or small group videos. There are some good science videos on

Daniela Morales Daniela Morales 505 Points

That is so unfortunate that you are only allowed 15 minutes 3 days a week to teach science. I am not an experienced teacher yet, but from what I have learned in my science methods class is to try to incorporate different subjects into one lesson. For example you could teach a science lesson during language arts or writing time. I recently saw a lesson on apples that incorporated science, math, and language arts and it lasted a whole week. Good luck!

Kelly Thomas Kelly Thomas 890 Points

I agree this is a hard task, especially with the little guys!

Harper Miller Harper Miller 95 Points

If you go to the Get Caught Engineering link you can find a bunch of great lessons that could be integrated into lessons during other parts of your day. This way they are still getting important science skills while also working on other skills!

Lindsey Zhang Lindsey Zhang 1175 Points

The school I am in is the same way. To get the most out of your 15 mins you have to get the lesson going right away. Having the students in small groups will help with this because they can get more in depth with what they are learning than in a whole group. Also by having the students in a small group you can walk around and monitor their science learning. Students love being in centers and workstations so allowing them to do this for science will help the kids be excited and engaged.

THU TA THU TA 805 Points

I would definitely agree with the other posts about integrating it into other things. I student teach with kindergarteners and there are times when we are so behind on science because of this. My cooperating teacher has a science station in the literacy work stations that the students use every day!

Ling Xu Ling Xu 6458 Points

it is a really hard situation. I hope you have already solved the problem!

Stephanie Negrete Stephanie Negrete 190 Points

Hello Jennifer I am currently taking a how to teach science in elementary class in the university and the best possible way to make more time to teach your students science is by incorporating science into the other subjects that you teach. Science is everywhere and is a part of our everyday lives and can be possible to be taught everyday and in fun ways as well.


Creating workstations that are STEM oriented and hands-on could be fun for these little ones! They are being exposed to different types of activities which are designed for questioning and create curious scientists. With your science time frame being so short I think the children will benefit from meaningful hands on opportunities with science. Good luck! Have fun! ~Eva C.

Molly Lembezeder Molly Lembezeder 3130 Points

Definitely start integrating science into everything else you do! That could mean a weather conversation during your morning meeting, reading a science content filled story during your read aloud time, having them write about a science topic, etc. Any time you can double up subjects, definitely take advantage of those opportunities!

Molly Lembezeder Molly Lembezeder 3130 Points

Definitely start integrating science into everything else you do! That could mean a weather conversation during your morning meeting, reading a science content filled story during your read aloud time, having them write about a science topic, etc. Any time you can double up subjects, definitely take advantage of those opportunities!

Kale Lindner Kale Lindner 3045 Points

First of all, this is really upsetting to hear. It is always unfortunate to hear that time is getting cut from any subject. Something you might want to consider is broadening your lessons to stretch over multiple days. This way you can build on concepts from day to day and it may make the connections form stronger due to the building on prior knowledge. Another thing you could consider is integrating the science curriculum in other areas you have more time for. For example, you could have them write or draw pictures of the things plants and animals need to survive. This way you are reaching standards in several subject areas.

Miranda Hansen Miranda Hansen 2574 Points

I am currently a junior at UNI and this fall I spent a week in a classroom, they also only had about 15 minutes but only on Friday. Other events in the week were "more important" so they just gave up the science time. If that was my classroom, I would look for science in other subjects.

Danielle George Danielle George 970 Points

My thoughts on only having 15 minutes dedicated to science are that you have to get creative. In my 2nd grade class I am student teaching in, we have incorporated weather into our poetry with different poems. We have incorporated different types of clouds into making a graph of our favorite cloud (math), and we have used our vocabulary words to incorporate science as well. I would suggest when you go over the alphabet, to maybe make each letter something science related, when in stations/centers, you could have a "science/reading" station, with science books in it, etc. Good luck, I hope this helps.

Anna Jochum Anna Jochum 1045 Points

Hi Jennifer, 

I am currently in Teaching Elementary School Science at the University of Northern Iowa. We have talked quite a bit about schools not giving teachers enough time to teach a full science lesson. One strategy that we have worked on is incorporating science into other subjects. We have found that it is very beneficial to not only the teachers but the students as well. With doing this, students are able to connect what they have learned in other subjects with science. It also builds a bridge for them to connect content areas with background knowledge. I really like this idea because students should be given class time to learn about science, and by incorporating it into other subjects they are able to fill that knowledge bucket.

Trisha Knott Trisha Knott 2645 Points

Wow! 15 minutes three days a week isn't very long to teach a sience lesson. One thing you could try is incorporating some time into your literacy block to do double duty and incorporate some information from your science lesson into your literacy block. You could do this by reading a book to or having your students read a book or an article on the topic. I am attaching a link that has some information and some strategies that could be helpful!

Wendy Miranda Wendy Miranda 450 Points

Hello Jennifer,

i agree with what everyone else has mentioned. Perhaps you can plan ahead of time for each week by looking at the themes and breaking it down so that it can fit in with different areas. For example, exploring different types of leaves. 1.(Language) You can read a stroy about it during cirlce time. 2.(Math) For math give them math problems where they can use/ or measure the leaves. 3. (art) you could give them a few activities where they can explore and draw or sketch (rubbing a crayon on top). I don't believe this can be impossible, it may just take a lot of thinking and adjusting. 

Sarah Benton Feitlinger Sarah Benton 1785 Points

I'd say do your best to do things in those 15 minute increments that are related to science that is integrated in other areas of your curriculum. For example, if you read a picture book about space (even if it is fiction) do a movement activity in your 15 minutes that has to do with space (a human solar system model, perhaps). Do you have the option of combining your small increments of time to do a longer investigation? Also, I would recommend setting up experiments with your students that they can observe going on in the classroom even when it is not "science time", that way you can spend your short increments discussing observations and taking measurements. Some ideas might be, butterfly life cycles from chrysalis to butterfly and then release the insects, grow crystals, grow different kinds of plants, set up investigation centers where students can free play with concepts like sound, structure building, etc. These are just quick ideas, but I am sure others have more. I think integration and setting up longer term "observable" things in the classroom is the way to go in this situation.

Tara Clark tara clark 20 Points

I agree with Sarah too!  I feel like you can really weave science in, especially with books, daily rituals, fun quick experiments, and longer experiments that they visit each day (like sprouting a bean and monitoring its growth).

I have had a lot of success with science-based animal stories, where they are learning about different animal behaviors and acting them out (nesting birds, hibernating bears, foraging raccoons, etc).  Also having weather checks being a part of the morning routine could weave some meteorology into the day as well, and give them an understanding of seasonal changes (especially if you pick a deciduous tree to observe changes year-round).  

Here is a website with some fun experiment ideas:   

Some may work in a 15 minute block, and some may be good to start and then work on a little bit each day!

15 minutes is definitely not much time, so I totally understand the stress--hopefully some of this helps weave it in other places!

Gladys Ruiz Gladys Ruiz 810 Points

I really like the options you gave on how to take advantage of those 15 minutes to teach science. I hadn't thought of including science centers throughout the day and then discussing it with them. I would also say to switch around the centers every two weeks and incorporate one science center with the weekly theme for science that way it reinforces what you teach. 

Marsha Gardner Marsha Gardner 670 Points

I definitely agree with Sarah, as well as Tara below. I think it is such a great idea to integrate science in other subject areas! I think it would be a great resource to create a book box for science related texts, whether they be fiction or non-fiction. These book boxes could be placed in the classroom as centers. A possibility for the writing center might be to use these book boxes for writing extensions or prompts. I love the idea that these resources could be revisited throughout the year (not simply placed back in a closet after a particular unit is over!)

Michelle Nguyen Michelle Nguyen 1255 Points

I agree 100% with Sarah. I think your best bet of getting the most out of your science time is definitely integrating science into other subjects. I think writing about their observations is a great way to get students to think about science while still working on writing and practicing on using their sight words as well as reading books on the topic during whole group, partner, or independent reading.

Larosa Etienne larosa etienne 1220 Points

I'm sorry to hear they only give you that amount of time. Your best bet is to make the most out of it like you've been doing!

Carmen Cruz Carmen Cruz 2125 Points

Completely agree with the above, cross the curriculum using PBL!

Lori Gillespie Lori Gillespie 3030 Points

I understand your frustration I am finding that we have very little time to do science with our fifth graders and I am struggling to find ways to make connections with them in such a short time frame. I agree with Sarah about reading them books and I would also do some quick demonstrations that gets them excited and helps them to make a connection from the book you read and the demonstration since you do not have time to do activities with them. I think I will try the observation idea and set some different experiments up in the room that we can watch and make observations about over a span of a few weeks so that maybe they can make connections that way. If anyone has some ideas to help with the fifth grade level on such a short time span also that would be appreciated.

Stephanie Portillo Stephanie Portillo 1225 Points

Maybe you could perform science demonstration. I've seen many ten-minute demonstrations in my senior education courses at my university. You can demonstrate the ocean in a bottle Step 1: Fill your bottle 3/4 of the way with water and add food coloring. Step 2: Add Vegetable Oil. Step 3: Have the student observe what happens when you shake the bottle. All you will need is water, blue dye, vegetable oil, and an empty water bottle. You can use this to teach the different zones in the ocean or to tach about waves in the ocean. Hope that helps!

Glenda Ibanez Glenda Ibanez 2665 Points

In the kindergarten classes I've been in, the teachers always try to make their science lessons into a catchy song or a fun dance. I don't know if this may help but it's an idea.

Glenda Ibanez Glenda Ibanez 2665 Points

In the kindergarten classes I've been in, the teachers always try to make their science lessons into a catchy song or a fun dance. I don't know if this may help but it's an idea.

Vivian Vega Vivian Vega 1215 Points

I think this is a great idea because having movement in a lesson keeps their attention for a longer time than sitting there and lecturing! Great way of having active learning while teaching science.

Madison Dayer Madison Dayer 190 Points

Do you know any links or somewhere I can find examples of these songs for Science? I think using songs is a great idea but I am never really sure what resources to use to find great ones!

Celina Velasquez Celina Velasquez 655 Points

Since they are in kindergarten students should have the opportunity to touch things, smell, observe wake their senses with providing objects they can manipulate. Conversations are going to be rich when students have the opportunity to answer open ended questions. Also incorporate science into reading. Students homework can be to observe their environment maybe a garden and can come back to share their ideas.

Jocelyn Saavedra Jocelyn Saavedra 1100 Points

I agree with Celina. They should really have opportunities where they can make use of their five senses. I think that it is a great idea to have the students observe outside for homework things that they notice in their environment. I also think that you should try your best to incorporate science in other content area as much as you can. Most importantly try to make the best out of the time that you have with them. Like Celina said, have them explore things that can be manipulated and create discussions that involve inquiry based learning.

Linh Tran Linh Tran 30 Points

I completely agree with Celina. It is important for students to have hands on activities and explore with their sensory motor skills as they are still developing those. I also agree with others cross curriculum by integrating science into other subjects.

Claire Ainsworth Claire Ainsworth 705 Points

I would try to integrate science into the other content areas. Science can be a great subject to teach nonfiction texts and text features. You can also integrate science into math or art. I did a unit where i had students graph different leave shapes and colors for math and do a leaf rubbing as an art project. Science notebooks can also be a great way to integrate Science into CCSS.

Johana Montoya Johana Montoya 1345 Points

I would suggest to integrate your science lesson with another topic. You kill two birds with one stone this way, you get more time for science while also teaching another topic.

Keyerra Stapleton Keyerra Stapleton 285 Points

I completely agree, I think that would be the best way. It's so easy to get your science standards to integrate with other subjects. There are also some cool educational apps that students could use on ipads or on the computer. 

Rae Melinder Rae Melinder 1265 Points

I have to integrate science into all my other subject areas because there is never enough time!

Jerrica Millon jerrica millon 340 Points

Teaching science in kindergarten is difficult when you don't have the allotted time. When I was student teaching in a TK class, we did not have any time for science. However, my master teacher would often integrate science into everyday activities whenever he could. For example, one time when we were lining up he noticed that the leaves on the trees had fallen off and changed colors. He took time out of our usual routine to have the students line up and go around the tree, and then talked about the specific parts of the tree (trunk, leaves, branches) as well as questioned students as to why they believed the leaves had fallen off (autumn, seasons, etc.).

Martha Hernandez Martha Hernandez 760 Points

I can definitely agree with you in not having sometimes enough time for science since the main focus is math and reading for the little ones. I'm a students teacher and I have been able to noticed. So one of the things you mentioned to integrate science into other subjects sounds like a great idea.

Samantha Coyle Samantha Coyle 2245 Points

I had the same issue, and it was such a difficult task. The only way I managed was by not having the students do any kind of work at their seat. I did the whole thing at the whole group carpet and made everything whole group. While there were some really interesting things I would have liked to do, it just was not going to happen. To help make sure I taught them successfully, I usually either showed a little BrainPop, read a book, or we danced to a song and sang it about the topic. I did a mini lesson on insects, which included learning about their parts. So one day they watched a BrainPop and learned about it, and then we labeled a bug on the SmartBoard. We finished off by dancing to "Head, Thorax, Abdomen." The following times we just revisited what we had learned to see if they grasped it. On the last day, we did a little game that I had found online.

Peggy Ashbrook Margaret Ashbrook 11003 Points

I feel your pain, Jennifer and all teachers who have 15 minutes to teach science. Such a shame when research shows that young children are capable, and knowledge of science is crucial for participation in society and to maximize the nation’s human capital. “We are fortunate to work in a time when the preschool mind is celebrated for what it can do rather than what it cannot do. Preschoolers were once thought to be conceptually limited, but research has since demonstrated that they are able to think and talk about many science-related topics.” Gelman, Brennenman, Macdonald, and Roman, 2010. Preschool Pathways to Science. Brookes Publishing. “The Importance of Teaching Science Well: Knowledge of science can enable us to think critically and frame productive questions. With out scientific knowledge, we are wholly dependent on others as “experts.” With scientific knowledge, we are empowered to become participants rather than merely observers.” Michaels S., Shouse A. W. and Schweingruber H. A. 2008. Ready, Set, SCIENCE!: Putting Research to Work in K-8 Science Classrooms. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. “How can society use knowledge about early childhood development to maximize the nation's human capital and ensure the ongoing vitality of its democratic institutions…?" "Recommendation 1— Resources on a par with those focused on literacy and numerical skills should be devoted to translating the knowledge base on young children's emotional, regulatory, and social development into effective strategies for fostering: (1) the development of curiosity, self-direction, and persistence in learning situations; (2) the ability to cooperate, demonstrate caring, and resolve conflict with peers; and (3) the capacity to experience the enhanced motivation associated with feeling competent and loved. …” Pages 5-6, Shonkoff J. P., and D.A. Phillips, eds. Executive Summary From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development. 2000. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. What to do? Keep asking for ideas from the larger early childhood community and trying some strategies, including those offered here. I agree that incorporating literacy and mathematics as part of a science exploration is a natural fit—children love to show and tell what they see and think! Demonstrations may be fun and “cover” a topic, but don’t often uncover the ideas children already hold about it. Children will learn more if they stay on one topic or do many short activities related to a single concept over weeks and months than if new concepts or topics are raised every day or week.

Hayden Whited Hayden Whited 180 Points

Hi Jennifer! I think that the best way to teach your students science with only fifteen minutes is using problem based learning approaches. You could do that through quick STEM challenges. From my experience, STEM challenges are a quick and fun way to briefly introduce science topics while engaging students at the same time! Also, you could always incorporate science into other subjects, as well. For example, if you are teaching literacy, have the students read a science article, etc. I hope this helps!

Caitlin Allison Caitlin Allison 170 Points

A good way to teach science even though there isn't much designated time is to integrate science standards with ELA and math lessons!

Thy Van Thy Van 1565 Points

Hi, I am a student teacher!

Cynthia Guzman Cynthia Guzman 1285 Points

HEllo I am in student teaching.

Jody Grandier jody grandier 1600 Points

My daughter is in 1st grade and they only do science 20 minutes a day 2 to 3 days a week. This is very sad to me as i wonder what she can learn in this time frame. I have spoken to her teacher and she has stated she loves science and tries to incorporate it in as many lessons and subjects as possible. She also told me the time she does get to teach science she makes a point to make it meaningful and really get things done.

Julia Osuna Julia Osuna 420 Points

In my student teaching I need to do science lessons as well. They are short lessons for kindergarteners and I also am looking for ideas on what to teach or how to teach it. I do not know what STEM lessons are but I definitely want to look into something like that. Thanks for the question, the responses are very helpful.

George Mehler George Mehler 1755 Points

Hi Jennifer! My name is Dr. George Mehler and I am a science methods professor at Temple University. I have been developing a Youtube channel for science demonstrations that can be incorporated into the classroom. The channel is entirely free and has hundreds of videos! Here's the link, I hope this helps! Best, Dr. George Mehler Ed.D., Temple University

Carrie Akins Carrie Akins 3530 Points

Thank You!

Abby Nunez Abby Nunez 890 Points

Sorry to hear that. Integration is a great idea.

Stephanie Simon Stephanie Simon 995 Points

I agree that science should be integrated into other content areas. It's a shame that science isn't even being taught every day in elementary schools. The question is how to do it?  Does anyone has any unique or interesting ideas to incorporate science into the other subjects?

Meera Ramchandran Meera Ramchandran 2875 Points

I am a science specialist at our school and only get five hrs every two weeks with a class. So I usually give my math teachers word problems for algebra or geometry or measurement and ensure that every word problem in math is science-related. I have also requested the ELA teachers to give a science-based topic and grade the reports with them for content accuracy. I've also taken classes where i read a story (Crow and Pitcher of Water) and then we try to do the actual experiment.

Rebeca Corona Rebeca Corona 3010 Points

I am currently a student getting my Bachelor’s Degree on Elementary Education. While doing my field experience hours, I have noticed my cooperating teacher has no time to teach science or social studies. Which I agree with all of you is a shame, when science teaches you to make observations and communicate with your peers, and social studies teaches you how to become better citizens through the history of our country. These two subject areas are being left behind and reading and math are taking over, when the technology that we use to create these tests include science knowledge.

Yvonne Carrasco Yvonne Carrasco 945 Points

These are some great suggestions! it really helped me with my pre service teaching!

Chelsea Duncan Chelsea Duncan 1570 Points

These are great resources and ideas! 

Anny Keys Anny Keys 1135 Points

The school district that I "work" has a 45 minute slot for science. I feel that it is an okay amount of time for simplistic content, such as water, rock, and soil properties, but for content such as earth and space maybe a 90 minute slot would be more efficient for learning time.   

Cynthia Guzman Cynthia Guzman 1285 Points

theses are great resources and fun activities. 

Leslie Bolton leslie bolton 405 Points

great post

Christian Baez Christian Baez 1190 Points

The school district I have been placed at to student teach also allots about 20 minutes for science teaching three days per week. The other two days are for teaching social studies. I have read some posts other users have posted here and they have been very helpful. I would love to integrate science content in reading and writing. I would definitely integrate science topics when introducing non-fiction books in a reading lesson.

Danielle Bergstrom Dani Bergstrom 1160 Points

Great post!

Jasmin Hawkins Jasmin Hawkins 1995 Points

I would definitely agree that integration is most likely the key to providing students with meaningful science experiences.  My district only allows for 20 minutes a day of science as well, which is extremely short for 5E lessons.  Most of the time the teachers have to divide one lesson up into several days.

Isairis Gonzalez Isairis Gonzalez 1075 Points

I think that the 15 minutes should be used on a hands on activity and then look for ways to incorporate the "fluff" throughout the day.

Emily Lopez Emily Lopez 750 Points

Only fifteen minutes to teach science!? This is why these kids get to higher grade levels and have so much trouble retaining all the information they bombard them with. I would integrate science as much as possible into other subjects if possible. That way, your fifteen minutes turns into a little bit more time. 

Kaylee Nungaray Kaylee Nungaray 3414 Points

It is so sad! I student teach with fourth grade and they only get 30 minutes to teach BOTH science and social studies. It breaks my heart because students are not getting the necessary time they need to explore their learning.

Veronica Temple Veronica Temple 535 Points

Time is a big thing i stuggle with. THis is a great post

Adriana Castillo Adriana Castillo 1015 Points

It unfortunate that only 15 minutes is designated for Science in your district. It is really hard to make a lesson so short and still provide the children with a meaningful learning experience.

Elizabeth Cardozo Elizabeth Cardozo 1805 Points

My suggestion would be to try to incorporate science with other subjects. One lesson I observed, the teacher incorporated math and science. She had a lesson on mixing primary colors to make secondary colors. I think it is also good to try and incorporate non-fiction texts as well as fiction.

Maria Castillo Maria Castillo 1475 Points

I have observed how some teachers double dip science and reading. This can be done when going over informational texts. They talk about the features, but also read the book. An example was, the environment of wild life which also leads to weather and climate, geographic features, etc.

Melissa Ruiz Melissa Ruiz 495 Points

I agree that you should try to to incooperate science in your lessons. The best way to do so would be to use an article that students are learning about and use it for literacy. At some point you can teach science. For example, have students do a little experiment when 

Margot Jacobs Margot Jacobs 650 Points

I am student teaching kindergarten next semester and am very curious as to what kind of science instruction we will do doing. Can anyone give me the broad overview of what kindergarten science content focuses on? Thanks.

Danielle Colchado Danielle Colchado 1260 Points

The school I am student teaching in has a limited time also in science instruction so they relay on integration. Science and Social Studies lessons are usually combined to give more time for lesson every day instead of just couple times a week. I have focused on researching more STEM lessons because there is more information in the lessons but still can be condensed in time or have good breaking points to scatter across the time we have for science. I was actually able to include science in a math lesson I did over measurement. It took effort but seems that is one of the only ways to get science instruction time in the classroom.

Krystal Petrosky Krystal Petrosky 2840 Points

At that age, I would say anything that the students get their hands into. Inquiry based science that the students are able literally put their hands in to the science while they are learning about. With only fifteen minutes you really have to focus on what the kids can take away from the science, instead of focusing on the methods of vocabulary. How this helps some. Krystal

Kimberly Dempsey Kimberly Dempsey 870 Points

You could incorporate your lesson into other subject areas. For example, you could have the students during reading time, read about science. Or during math, create a lesson using science based lesson material but also incorporate the math objective in the lesson (measurement, etc). You could also use project based learning, and have a main science objective for the week and each day for the 15 minutes the students perform small experiments or investigations and at the end of the week, the objective could be met.  I hope this helps!

Yolanda Tzoc Yolanda Tzoc 940 Points

It's really hard to teach all 5E's in 45 minutes. As a student teacher I am only allow to teach the lesson in 45 minutes and I just feel that most of my students' still feel confused about the lesson at the end of the day. My students have science once a week for 30 minutes and they have it as enrichment. 

Peggy Ashbrook Margaret Ashbrook 11003 Points

Children often need to engage with the same idea or concept over many weeks to become comfortable in their understanding. Could you break your lesson into sections to deliver over a month? Just the engage portion could take at least 45 minutes! You are to be applauded for helping them build their understanding in the short time you are provided. 

Kristine DePuma Kristine DePuma 805 Points

It is a great idea to try and incorporate science topics into other subject areas. By doing this it gives you more time for science instruction. Some other ideas would be to cover the main topics and do them in a manner which is brief and engaging. I have found that when teaching science students love to go outside and explore things on their own. Lastly, it could be helpful to find fun and informational science clips on discovery learning. 

 Jessica Williams 1125 Points

I think that the best thing you can do and to integrate science with different subjects. You can make the lessons fun and engaging. Good Luck!

Stephanie Gomez Stephanie 3690 Points

Hi! Definitely try to incorporate science in other lessons such as reading. The students could read books about gravity, for example, and that could also be a science lesson along with a reading lesson. This will widen your time for a science lesson. Maybe read a science related book and then in science class do an activity about the book that could also be a reading comprehension activity. I believe that this will help you a lot with your 15 minute window. Try talking to your principal about this. Good luck!

Emily Rothenberg Emily Rothenberg 3395 Points

Hi! Being that you are only able to teach science for 15 minutes each of the three days, I would definitely try and focus on one specific topic for each lesson. For example, if you are doing a lesson on energy, I would focus on one type of energy each session that the students should know about for their particular grade level and have them master each concept before moving on to the next one. In addition, I would try to implement crosscutting concepts in which you can integrate these science lessons into other lessons, such as reading comprehension. By doing this, students would not feel as rushed to learn new concepts. If you present kindergarteners with too much information all at once, they would not be able to comprehend what it is you are trying to teach them. I hope these strategies help you in making this time to teach science as engaging as possible. Emily Rothenberg

Emily Rothenberg Emily Rothenberg 3395 Points

Hi! Being that you are only able to teach science for 15 minutes each of the three days, I would definitely try and focus on one specific topic for each lesson. For example, if you are doing a lesson on energy, I would focus on one type of energy each session that the students should know about for their particular grade level and have them master each concept before moving on to the next one. In addition, I would try to implement crosscutting concepts in which you can integrate these science lessons into other lessons, such as reading comprehension. By doing this, students would not feel as rushed to learn new concepts. If you present kindergarteners with too much information all at once, they would not be able to comprehend what it is you are trying to teach them. I hope these strategies help you in making this time to teach science as engaging as possible. Emily Rothenberg

Ewana Anderson Ewana Anderson 2745 Points

It is almost never enough time to teach, yet alone teach science. It takes more then 15 mins a day for 3 days to actual teach a full science lesson and the students are able to get engage and explore etc. Sadly, teachers have to make the small amount of time work, where the students can get the best out of the minimal amount of time they are given. I wholeheartedly agree with other post that there needs to be more time given to teach a full effective science lesson to kindergarten and beyond.

Marielena Gurdian Marielena Gurdian 465 Points

15 minutes three times a week?! In my opinion that is so inaffective. I believe teaching 30 minutes twice a week is more affective than 15 minutes three times a week because you have more time to explain to do an activity and so on. I have to agree that this is when you have to get creative and start incorporating science in any other lesson or subject! good luck!

Carolina Lopez Carolina Lopez 235 Points

I definitely agree that 15 minutes is not enough to teach a complete and thorough science lesson. Unless it's like a quick explanation over something that has already been discussed or something to set off the topic then 15 minutes should be enough. But when you mix science with reading or math you kill two birds with one stone and most of time it ends up being more interesting and it grabs the attention of a variety of students at the same time.

George Mehler George Mehler 1755 Points

Hello, My name is Dr. George Mehler I am a professor of science methods at Temple University. I have been developing a YouTube channel that is home to hundreds of science video demonstrations that are free, fun, and easy to use. These cover a variety of topics that young learners should know before they enter high school. These videos range from 2-8 minutes and can easily be incorporated or recreated in the classroom. A quick and easy way to get big ideas across successfully. STEM does not have to take long, but it is so important to include it. Please subscribe to our channel as we regularly release new videos! Best of Luck, The FunScienceDemos team Dr. George Mehler Ed.D., Temple University Jared Hottenstein Central Bucks School District

Germaine Najjar Germaine Najjar 3515 Points

After reading through some of the replies to this concern, I saw that most people gave the same answers. 15 minutes a day for science may not seem t be enough at the kindergarten level. However, the beauty of teaching is that it allows you to mix different subjects together! You can incorporate science in almost about anything from math to social studies to language to arts. Also, the internet is full of resources that could be helpful in working around this time frame for a solely scientific lesson. There are many resources that could be used to help you deal with this strict formality.

Bridgette James Bridgette James 325 Points

How about intergrating reading and science together. Choose a reading story with a science background "butterflies" for example. I would then have read the story discuss the cycle of the butterfly and have a hands on activity for the kids. Example: Use jelly beans for the eggs, gummy worms for the larva, peanut for the pupa and then use pretzels for the wings of the butterfly, gummy worms for the throax, Twizzlers for the anttennae.

Peggy Ashbrook Margaret Ashbrook 11003 Points

Integrating the reading, or listening and oral language, with actual science observations is a great way to help children make sense of the science concepts and also meet literacy standards. It can be fun for children to do a craft about their actual observations of a live caterpillar as it changes into a pupa/chrysalis and then emerges as an adult. Reading a book about the process will help them reflect on what they observed.

Flavio Mendez Flavio Mendez 55626 Points

[color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Dear Early Childhood Educator,[/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Wanted to remind you about the next NSTA virtual conference, taking place on Wednesday, June 29, from 10 am to 1 pm ET. The conference will be recorded for those unable to attend the live sessions on the 29[sup]th[/sup]. All registered to the conference will have access to all the archives.[/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][u][color=#1f497d]Website to register:[/color][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][url=][color=#33aab8][/color][/url][/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]The conference targets teachers in grades PreK to 6[sup]th[/sup]. It features two NSTA Press authors, Peggy Ashbrook and Christine Royce and the content of their books. Information about the conference is below. Please forward to teachers you know. [/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][u][color=#1f497d]Title:[/color][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Engaging Students in Science: PreK-6[/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][u][color=#1f497d]Date/Time:[/color][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Wednesday, June 29, from 10 am to 1 pm ET[/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][u][color=#1f497d]Topics covered (teachers select from 2 parallel sessions):[/color][/u][/font][/size][/color] [i][color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Science Learning in the Early Years: Activities for PreK-2[/font][/size][/color][/i] [i][color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Teaching Science Through Trade Books, Grades 3-6[/font][/size][/color][/i] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][u][color=#1f497d]Registration (includes cost of 1 e-book):[/color][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]NSTA members: $63[/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Non-members: $79[/font][/size][/color] [color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif](Use promo code SAVE10VC and save $10 on your registration cost)[/font][/size][/color][color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]All participants receive access to all the archives. Participants may purchase a certificate of attendance and participation for an additional fee ($9.95).[/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#575655][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][u][color=#1f497d]Website to register:[/color][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][url=][color=#33aab8][/color][/url][/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Thank you,[/font][/size][/color] [color=#1f497d][size=2][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Flavio.[/font][/size][/color]

Jaclyn Lawrence Jaclyn Lawrence 655 Points

Try to integrate your science into your other lessons. Integration is super helpful when trying to teach kindergartners!

Christine Frewin Christine Frewin 1615 Points

15 minutes is all we are allowed in our district as well, but like everyone has stated... Finding ways to incorporate science throughout the day is key. During lunch I ask my students about their milk carton, and how much they think it holds. They are only kinders, so it is beyond their understanding to know that there are fl. oz. on the milk carton, but that can always come later. Also, using books during read aloud, and weather when graphing are a few ways to help incorporate science! It is a subject that can be used across the curriculum in many creative ways. I enjoyed reading this feed and gathering new ideas.. Another one is at recess, or if you have windows in the classroom, doing short observations about the changing leaves, and the seasons. There are many ways to be creative. I love teaching science to the younger ones, especially since there are so many opportunities for a hands on learning experience, but what I hate is the 15 minutes a day that can easily get eaten up by other areas!

Chien Hui Chen CHIEN HUI CHEN 850 Points

If I were you, I will teach a topic for a week, and you can design a short activity that you can work or interact with students everyday in that 15 mins. 5E lesson plan will a easy way for you break down your weekly topic to daily activities.

Bridget Simmons Bridget Simmons 355 Points

In order to remedy this issue of having very little time to teach such important concepts, I think it is crucial for the teacher to make learning meaningful and be able to manage time efficiently. I would also try to link those lessons to whatever lessons precede and follow it by making smooth transitions that incorporate the material learned.

Alexia Perry Alexia Perry 755 Points

If you are teaching kinder it may be as simple as performing a quick experiment and recording the children's observations on chart paper.

Rachel Eiras Rachel Eiras 280 Points

hello everyone, I am currently a student teacher and I have realized that in the primary grades it is very rare that science lessons are taught because teachers spend most of their time on reading and math skills. Would anyone have any ideas on different ways that science can possibly be incorporated through another subject ?

Cara Cook Cara Cook 5795 Points

I agree with Marlene. Integration. Science is everywhere. I think many trade books can be used to teach science concepts. It is those teachable moments that just happen....every 15 minutes.....that make learning fun!

Cara Cook Cara Cook 5795 Points

I agree with Marlene. Integration. Science is everywhere. I think many trade books can be used to teach science concepts. It is those teachable moments that just happen....every 15 minutes.....that make learning fun!

Peggy Ashbrook Margaret Ashbrook 11003 Points

I agree with you, Cara, that trade books are a wonderful way to extend children's science learning. After they engage in hands-on experiences, they will have some understanding of the vocabulary that they later hear in the books. They will not get as much out of the book if they don't do the hands-on piece first, especially if they are dual language learners and just beginning to learn the language the book is written in.
The 'Teaching Through Trade Books' column in the NSTA journal Science and Children is an excellent source for identifying quality science books and activities that go with them. The column has two levels of activities: one for younger and one for older elementary students.

Anisa Cummings Anisa Cummings 1025 Points

I would implement my science lessons into other content areas. Science lessons can be used to teach language arts, phonics, math, social studies, vocabulary, and even handwriting. You could build an entire day off of a science topic. The lesson would be fun for you and fun and engaging for your students. The content will be learned better by being presented in different content areas.

Olivia Westfall Olivia Westfall 1510 Points

I completely understand your frustration! I am placed in a school where they don't even have a planned science time. My CT teaches science "if she has time". However, I agree that 15 minutes is a very short time frame to implement an entire lesson, especially one that is inquiry based or includes experiments! Maybe, you could plan a 45 minutes lesson on one topic and then teach that one lesson over your three day, 15 minute periods. I also agree with everyone above that implementing science in other areas would be helpful. Maybe if you had introduced the content through a trade book in reading, your 15 minute science time could be more productive because you and your students can hit the ground running. I am also wondering if maybe you can rearrange your three, 15 minute sessions into a one day 45 minute session?

Summer Robinson Summer Robinson 595 Points

I think that you can still teach Kindergartners meaningful science lessons in that time period. You can show them introductory lessons to what they will be learning through grade school. The problem with Kindergarten is that they have so much to learn in regards to every subject. I also think you can do some cross curricular teachings to in corporate the science into Math and Literacy. That will probably be the best way to add more Science into the class.

Cecilia Goff Cecilia Goff 855 Points

You can try to incorporate reading into other subjects like reading. You can also try to create hands-on activities that can be broken down into three days. So one day you can do a small part, then the next time you can start the lesson where yall stopped it.

Danielle Cadenhead Danielle Cadenhead 845 Points

I agree that you can implement Science into other content areas and other content areas into Science. This will help to make those fifteen minutes you are provided with really count. While learning about mixtures, you could read a story to them such as "Mouse Paint." This would incorporate reading into your science lesson. Your students could also write predictions about what you are teaching and this would bring Language Arts into your Science lesson. This way you are teaching across an interdisiplinary platform, but still obliging to your school's fifteen minute limit for science.

Faustino Lopez Faustino Lopez 705 Points

This is definetly a short period of time! I always taught 45 minutes went by really fast, but 15?! I've had experience with third graders so I can't image teaching science to kindergarteners in such a short time frame. I applaud your dedication to teaching science with the kindergarteners.

Steve Collins Steve Collins 50 Points

Through hands-on science activities like planting seeds and recording the growth of plants, kindergarten learn how to observe and record scientific data. It is better if you make the activities more exciting so as to make them engaged. Teach the science in a story time so that they remember and find it interesting.

Jessica Cronin Jessica Cronin 565 Points

That's a very short time frame to teach science even 30 minutes is too short I feel for kids to really explore. I feel as though there should be far more learning experiences.

Cami Martin Cami Martin 225 Points

Science is a creative and fun subject! I think that it would be beneficial to integrate science into other areas, such as Math, Reading, Technology, and Engineering. Science is everywhere, it is a creative process that students can take part of without even realizing it. I would use books, and discuss the students' past experiences involving science(common everyday experiences: weather, baking, observing). The students will be surprised, and begin to look for science in their everyday lives. I would also have a science discovery and inquiry area set up in your classroom so that anytime a student needs to take a break or finishes their work early, allow them to explore at the science table. I think you should just do your best to incorporate science and concepts as much as you can and expose your Kindergartners with as much science as possible throughout the day. Hang in there!

Cami Martin Cami Martin 225 Points

Science is a creative and fun subject! I think that it would be beneficial to integrate science into other areas, such as Math, Reading, Technology, and Engineering. Science is everywhere, it is a creative process that students can take part of without even realizing it. I would use books, and discuss the students' past experiences involving science(common everyday experiences: weather, baking, observing). The students will be surprised, and begin to look for science in their everyday lives. I would also have a science discovery and inquiry area set up in your classroom so that anytime a student needs to take a break or finishes their work early, allow them to explore at the science table. I think you should just do your best to incorporate science and concepts as much as you can and expose your Kindergartners with as much science as possible throughout the day. Hang in there!

Matthew Warholic Matthew Warholic 350 Points

I am a pre-service teacher and am about to begin a Practicum in a Kindergarten classroom. I look forward to seeing what resources (time and otherwise) are allotted for Science instruction. Judging from the responses so far, I can see that your struggle is not unique!

Yvis Lauzurique Yvis Lauzurique 4135 Points

Maybe you can talk about plant parts and their functions since its only 15 minutes and 3 times a week, you can go over it in a week I believe. The second week they can do a small activity and they can name atleast two parts each.

Kanwal Mohammad Kanwal Mohammad 740 Points

You can always try to integrate the science lesson into another subject! Kindergarteners learn best when they are given hands on activities rather then showing them a video or something similar to that. Maybe do a read aloud and one hand one activity!

Kanwal Mohammad Kanwal Mohammad 740 Points

Hello! You can always integrate your science lesson into another subject! Kindergartners learn best when they are doing a hands on activity. Maybe try doing a small read aloud followed by an activity.

Callie Spradley Callie Spradley 510 Points

Kanwal, yes! Science can be incorporated into other content.

Joanna Gomez Joanna Gomez 795 Points

15 minutes a day of science is not enough. I would recommend integrating science into your lessons. Another suggestion might be to do a lesson that would take up the three days.

Michelle Nguyen Michelle Nguyen 1435 Points

Hi there, Its ridiculous to know that in today classrooms, some school districts only allow the teachers to have 15 minutes in a day to teach a science lesson. Even though this is a sad phenomenon that these type of situation can occur daily in any types of classroom and in any types of subjects, the teachers are the one who has to struggle with the facts and work with what they have and can do. A great idea to incorporate a science lesson plan into a short 15 minute time frame is to teach the lesson that is broken down across the whole week or when times allowed. Since there are only a 15 minute time frame to teach a lesson plan, another great way for one to teach science is to incorporate it with teaching another subject whenever possible. For example, when teaching about an informational text, instead of using a reading text, one can rely on a science text. And when teaching unit graphing, instead of using a math text or information, one can get the data from a force or motion activity. Regardless to what the teachers have to do, we would always have to be creative and just go with it.

Chelsea Cook Chelsea Cook 875 Points

I agree with others who suggested integrating science into other subjects. This could be successful if you tried integrating science with a reading or math lesson. Spreading a lesson throughout the week might also be a good idea and would make it easier for kindergartners as they are not feeling overloaded on information.

Tiffani Lambert Tiffani Lambert 3585 Points

I am definitely agreeing with everyone when they say to try to integrate science into other subjects. A common subject that teachers like to combine is science and math, so maybe try to come up with a lesson that will be able to teach both that way you have more time to teach the children science as well as being able to teach the students a good math lesson. You could also try to make it so that you could take the time to give the students one day teaching them and the next time a day of hands on experimenting. That way they could get a good lesson on the first day and reinforcement of what they learned on the second day. I hope this helps!

Avory Abordonado Avory Abordonado 485 Points

Wow, that is short. Though, make that 15 minutes longer by integrating Math and Reading. For example, If you have a read aloud book, you could do a shared Reading and discussion as the intro, then whatever Science activity that may go along with that Read Aloud book. Then I'm sure you could do math things like counting and sorting with the Science objects, etc... That would be like a 45 minute Science Lesson that integrated Reading and Math.

Alison Wright Alison Thalmann 16435 Points

[color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]I love to see so many replies for a topic that is so important and needs addressing...there should be science every day for every student. I agree that integrating literacy, math, science, social studies and the arts will not only help give you more time teaching science concepts to your students, but it is part of best teaching practices for the students to really learn and retain the skills being taught across all disciplines. [/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]Thank you for sharing. I hear from a lot of educators who would like to be teaching more science that they do not always have the support of their administrators. I believe this needs to be addressed if we are to make real effective change for all students. I believe it is a critical time in education and I feel so lucky to be part of promoting the next generation science standards. It is an exciting opportunity for teachers to transform education for all children in order to prepare them for the 21st century. Thank you for all that you do as educators![/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]"We'd all be better off if schools taught reading as a tool to support learning those big ideas found in science and social studies instruction, transforming reading instruction from its current role as the curricular 'bully' in our schools into a role it is better suited to play - being a curricular 'buddy'," P. David Pearson, former dean of the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley.[/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial] [/font][/size][/color] [b][color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K–5 Collection [/font][/size][/color][/b] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]You may also have an interest in this collection of free resources related to the NSTA Press Book: Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K–5 found in the NSTA Learning Center. Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons delivers the whole package: teacher-friendly lessons, strong standards-based science content, and a kid-magnet formula that will get your students engrossed in science while they improve their reading skills. [/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial] [/font][/size][/color] [b][color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]Teaching Science Through Trade Books Collection [/font][/size][/color][/b] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]This collection supports the popular “Teaching Science Through Trade Books” columns in NSTA’s journal Science and Children that are based on the concept of using children’s books to pique students’ interest. Use this collection of columns to combine science teaching with reading instruction in an engaging and effective way. [/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#454545][size=2][font=Helvetica Neue]Interview with Emily Morgan, Karen Ansberry, and Christine Royce, Teaching Science Through Trade Books, [url=][color=#e4af0a][/color][/url][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial] [/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]"Picture books, both fiction and nonfiction, are more likely to hold our attention and engage us then reading dry, formulaic text...Engagement leads to remembering what is read, acquiring knowledge, and enhancing understanding." Harvey and Goudvis, Strategies That Work.[/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial] [/font][/size][/color] [b][color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]Next Time You See Collection[/font][/size][/color][/b] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]Sample chapters and free resources to go along with the Next Time You See series by Emily Morgan.[/font][/size][/color] [u][url=][color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][/font][/size][/color][/url][/u] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]Interview with Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry, Picture Perfect Science [url=][/url][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]Interview with Emily Morgan, Next Time You See [url=][/url][/font][/size][/color] [u][b][url=

Alison Wright Alison Thalmann 16435 Points

[color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][b]The Early Years column, preK-grade 2[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]by Peggy Ashbrook[/font][/size][/color] [color=#551a8b][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=!plus!azk_E][b]The Powerful Practices series[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][b]Uncovering Misconceptions: Elementary[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]by Learning Center Online Advisors[/font][/size][/color] [color=#551a8b][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][b]Uncovering Student Ideas in Primary Science Collection of Resources[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]by Learning Center Online Advisors[/font][/size][/color] [color=#551a8b][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#454545][font=Helvetica Neue]Interview with Page Keeley, Uncovering Student Ideas [url=][color=#e4af0a][/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][b]Teaching NGSS in Kindergarten[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]by Kathy Renfrew[/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][b]Outdoor Science[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#551a8b][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#454545][font=Helvetica Neue]Interview with Steve Rich, Outdoor Science [url=][color=#e4af0a][/color][/url][/font][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][b]K-2 STEM miniconference[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]by Kate Baird[/font][/size][/color] [color=#551a8b][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=!plus!8_E][b]I Wonder Why[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#551a8b][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=!plus!8_E]!plus!8_E[/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][b]5E's - Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial]by Learning Center Online Advisors[/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][b]Early Childhood Resources[/b][/url][/u][/font][/size][/color] [color=#333333][size=3][font=Arial][u][url=][/url][/u][/font][/size][

Olivia Meincke Olivia Meincke 3754 Points

Multiple opportunities here for ideas on teaching science to young students. As a student preparing to be a teacher and not knowing what age i'll be teaching in the future, being prepared for all grades is the best. I think i'm lacking in the young students area of science so this is a great post that can help me with ideas.

Brittany Beshears Brittany Beshears 190 Points

This is such a useful list of resources! I am currently a student working towards my degree in teaching. I will definitely keep these links in mind when working on developing science lessons. Thank you for sharing!

Jazmin Lozano Jazmin Lozano 190 Points

As a student who is almost going to be student teaching, all of these websites will be very helpful to me. Teaching science isn't always easy, so being well prepare will sure be very helpful.

Gracie Tapia Gracie Tapia 220 Points

Fifteen minutes is such a short time frame, another challenge teachers must face and find a solution too. I love the idea of incorporating science into the other subjects, at least mentioning how the certain task can be related or linked to science.

Melanie McGill Melanie McGill 3310 Points

I think incorporating science topics into the other subject areas is one of the best ways to deal with time limitations. Connecting science subjects through literacy and math is one of the easiest ways to deal with this problem. Additionally, I liked the ideas of using centers and group work to allow them to dive deeper within a time constraint.

Emily Heckroth Emily Heckroth 3967 Points

When I was in a classroom for a whole week, there was barely any time for science instruction. I agree that when there is very limited time to teach science, science should be integrated into other subjects. For example, reading. When having students read, get them to read something science related. This way, they are learning about science and reading at the same time.

Laura Scarfogliero Laura Scarfogliero 183 Points

Wow only 15 minutes :(. I hope it is possible for you to incorporate Science into other subject areas such as Math and ELA. With your short amount of time, I would try focusing on observation skills and mini-STEM lab whole class activities. City of Science and Scholastics have useful observation skills resources. Good luck!
City of Science

Ling Xu Ling Xu 6458 Points

looking forward to the answers

Kylie Sheets Kylie Sheets 3145 Points

I am a student right now learning how to do this in my own classroom someday. The best advice I have been given is to incorporate science into other subject areas so the students are getting more than the 15 minutes allowed for science. The during the 15 minutes since you would have already built on a science idea, you can spend that time doing an experiment or something engaging with the students because they already got the background knowledge during their other subjects throughout the day.

Elyssa Rung Elyssa Rung 4412 Points

I would recommend trying to incorporate science into other parts of your day! For the 15 minutes a day that you do have, make sure you are explaining the main idea of the lesson and giving them all of the knowledge they need in that short time and then later in the day you can draw back upon it. You can conduct an experiment or just have the students engaged in the lesson later on because they would have already had the base knowledge of the lesson. This is probably one of the best ways to make sure you are getting the right amount of science in for your students.

Wendi Laurence Wendi Laurence 1510 Points

These are great questions -- and I know there is a NSTA Twitter chat tonight with the chance to ask ECE science/STEM questions. From Carolyn Hayes' Twitter feed:

Join [s]#[/s]NSTAchat TH - Jan 11 - 9Pm ET and discuss [s]#[/s]earlyscilearning[s]#[/s]ECE with [s]@[/s]PeggyAshbrook and others. Join in the conversation! [s]#[/s]NSTA[s]#[/s]NSTA18[s]#[/s]kindergarten

Peggy is awesome to get ideas and resources from!

Megan Kuech Megan Kuech 415 Points

I am a college student working towards my BA in early childhood education and a year ago, I was in a school which only had 45 minutes once a week for science. The best way to handle this limitation is to integrate your other subjects in the day with science like others have stated. There are some really great and easy ways to integrate science into any of your other subjects. This will help you get far more than 45 minutes per week to engage in science education. One of the coolest experiences with integrating science that I have seen was integrating social studies and science. It was the week before MLK Jr. Day and the students observed a brown egg and a white egg. They wrote about their observations, drew diagrams, and made predictions about what will be inside when they are cracked open. This was an amazing connection to MLK Jr. and all they had learned on the subject! This allows for science to be taught at the same time as social studies.

Brittney Diener Brittney Diener 45 Points

I agree that you should incorporate science into other areas as well. You could teach students something science related in that 15 minutes and then during writer's workshop, they could write about what they learned, or you could have math problems that incorporate something discussed in science that day. Science is very important and something that students need to learn because many jobs nowadays have some sort of science in it!

Brianna Salmond Brianna Salmond 455 Points

I completely agree with the idea that Kindergarteners should have more time participating in science lessons. I guess the question is how would they be incorporated into every day lessons and what would be some age appropriate lessons to teach children of this age group? 

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10285 Points

Hi Brianna -- For ideas on age-appropriate lessons, take a look at the 'Early Years' column in NSTA's Science and Children journal. Each month there is a ready-to-use investigation for younger students. You can search the back issues for more ideas. Peggy Ashbrook, the author, also has an NSTA blog (also called The Early Years) in which she posts ideas. Perhaps you and a colleague  could work together on looking at these lessons. 

Mary B.

Brianna Salmond Brianna Salmond 455 Points

Hello Mary! 

Thank you for the resources! I appreciate your help. 

Bailey Wand Bailey Wand 2800 Points


I am an early childhood major and right now in my science methods class we talk a lot about how little time schools allow teachers to incorporate science into their lessons. Like in your case a lot of schools don't even allow you to have some time every day to teach science. As we are also learning how important science is to so many things it is crazy to me how little time and attention is given to it. As a lot of people suggested, you can incorporate science into every other subject. This way you're still teaching the children what you need to be, but they also get that science too! The world runs around science so this isn't a subject teacher can just ignore because we think it's impossible to teach it in the little time allotted for it. Math is one of the subjects that it would be really easy to incorporate science into because a lot of times they go hand in hand. No matter what 'time frame' you're given for science always make sure you're doing what's best for the students and what will help them in the long run. Don't sell them short of an education! 


Stephanie Kohls Stephanie Kohls 2025 Points

Hi Jennifer,

I am a student at the Univeristy of Northern Iowa. When I read about the short time frame you have for teaching science. My first thought was to integrate science into other subjects to give you more time. This will ensure you have more time, as well as deepen their understandings through real world like experiences of science.

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