Carolina Biological-Smithsonian-September 1.2024 p.2


Forums / Earth and Space Science / Routine Procedures

Earth and Space Science

Routine Procedures

Author Post
Michael Clark Michael Clark 425 Points

What type of warm up activity do you think would be good for an earth science classroom to do upon entering the class each day? I don't want to bore them or make them feel like there is no real point to their assignment. Looking for something that might lead into a discussion. Any thoughts?

Cheri Authement Cheri Authement 3970 Points

I post a 'Daily' assignment students start right away. Sometimes it is science review trivia, sometimes it is answering a few questions about reading material or a short video, sometimes it is a few questions to check for misconceptions or to lead into the lesson. The students do these on a 1/2 sheet of paper and turn-in for part of a weekly grade. I have been transitioning to using Goformative and Google Forms for this. Cheri Authement SJSH Middle School Math and Science Educator

Cris DeWolf Cris DeWolf 11965 Points

You could have them listen to the StarDate podcasts from the McDonald Observatory. They are available free at iTunes *These are available one day after they are aired on NPR.

Jason Chang Jason Chang 425 Points

Telling stories is a really effective way of making material relevant for students. For example, showing a video clip of the effects a volcano has on nearby towns, or a humorous personal story about getting caught in a hailstorm. This can turn a seemingly unimportant topic into something to remember because of a more personable connection. This could definitely be used as part of a daily warm-up activity, where students then have to relate the story to the topic.

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