Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p3


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Earth and Space Science

Science Climate Change

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Daisy Ybarra Daisy Ybarra 110 Points

I need recommindations on of how to demonstrate science climate change,in a classroom? Any books or videos that will draw students more into the earth and enviorment/Ocean life? 

Michael Aprill Michael Aprill 885 Points

I have been teaching Earth/Space Sciences & sustainability for over 20 years. I have a doctorate in educational sustainability & am a Nationally Board Certificed Teacher (NBCT).  I have first hand experience with climate research, specifically related to society and culture.  

During my teaching & research, I have reviewed many resources related to climate change and climate education.   

A book that I use in my classroom or a classroom reference (for myself and my students) is 

Hawken, P. (2017). Drawdown: the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. New York, New York, Penguin Books.

You can find the book on Amazon. They also have a complimentary website that you can use for free.

Paul Hawken is an extreme optimist, so if you do watch any videos with him, he does present a more positive outlook.  In the most recent interviews, he is optimistic that we can still reach drawdown (point of reversing climate change).  


Annie Dietz Annie Dietz 725 Points

Hello! My name is Annie Dietz, and I am a preservice teacher at Wartburg College studying to become a high school Biology teacher. Something you could do is have students pick a state and write a report about the state and how different their climate has become. For example, you could have students look at the average temperatures, rainfall, snowfall, drought, etc. I hope this helps!

Bailey Myers Bailey Myers 765 Points

Good evening! I am also a preservice teacher at Wartburg College with Annie and we have talked quite a bit about climate change and its imporance! Annie offered some amazing advice. For more advanced ideas relating to climate change, there are several online resources that could help you. One thing that I've thought about is looking for a data chart that might show increasing/decreasing amount of participation and temperatures throughout the years. 

Santos Hudson Santos 10 Points

To demonstrate the science behind climate change in a classroom, there are various resources available. One option is to use videos such as 'Before the Flood' or 'Chasing Ice' that showcase the impact of climate change on the environment and ocean life. Books like 'The Sixth Extinction' by Elizabeth Kolbert or 'The Water Will Come' by Jeff Goodell or climate change essay examples can also be useful resources. These resources can help students gain a better understanding of the issue and motivate them to take action towards a sustainable future.

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