Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p2


Forums / Elementary Science / Recycling in your school

Elementary Science

Recycling in your school

Author Post
Tatyanna Camacho Tatyanna Camacho 505 Points

Hello, my name is Tatyanna and I am a junior in college. I plan on being an Elementary teacher. I was wondering what ways can I introduce recycling to the class and eventually have a club where they go around all the classrooms to collect the recycleables? I want students to understand the benefits of recycling and why we need to keep our planet clean and garabage free. 

Thank you!

Jennifer Montoya Jennifer Montoya 440 Points

Hi Tatyanna!


I love recycling and I believe it is extremely important to incorporate teaching recycling in the classroom. One simple way you could introduce recycling into your classroom, would be to have an actual recycling bin and explain to them what can be recycled and what could not be. You could even have recycling activities, like host a contest for whoever recycles the most they win something, or have them create recycle posters and hang some around the room. Teaching the importance of recycling is vital to implement as early as possible because those little ones are our future!

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