The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / Chemistry / Goggles and COVID


Goggles and COVID

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Colleen Behrens Colleen Behrens 895 Points

How are you cleaning goggles during COVID?  How do you manage sanitizing with back-to-back classes in a day? Our high schools do not have a pair of goggles per student. 

Elisabeth Williams Elisabeth Williams 340 Points

Hello. My classroom does not have enough goggles for every student. Our school provided our classroom a Flinn scientific goggle sanitizer. This piece of equipment works extremely fast and is easy to use. I think the timer sets for 5 minutes and sanitizes the goggles in this period. This would be perfect to do as you are changing periods and can clean them in between. 

Greg Spechalske Greg Spechalske 175 Points

I have my Lab Technician do the following:

  • Collect all goggles after every lab session/section
  • Soaks the goggles in a bleach-water solution
  • Soaks the goggles in fresh tap water x 2
  • Returns the goggles into circulation

I am fortunate to have a technician to facilitate and a principal that supported the purchase of sufficient goggles for 3-4 sections/day

Landon Buckridge Landon Buckridge 695 Points


I am currently in a math and science class field experience where the classes need to share goggles with different sections. The way that my cooperating teacher decided to clean goggles for chemistry labs is that there is a disinfectant spray bottle as well as sanitizing wipes for each student to use to spray/wipe goggles down. At the end of the day, she takes and disinfects all of the goggles on her own to make sure that they are properly sanitize. I hope this helps!

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