I am in chapter 4 of that book. It is well written, and I suggest buying it.
One of the caveats I have been reminded of often is to be wary of anyone publishing products that say they are NGSS "ready", "aligned", or any other often used educational buzzword. we need to be cautious consumers and not jump at everything that touts itself as NGSS envisioned.
To understate the obvious, these standards are SO different than anything most of are used to, that it will take dozens of hours of digging in to get to a point where we can at least start to incorporate bits and pieces into our teaching mindset.
Rodger Bybee's books do help a lot. Our best resource, I feel through this, as I have been reminded(thanks cousin) is to really get to know the Framework (Harold Pratts readers guide is good for this as well)
Good luck
Greg Prater
Science teacher
Belfry HS
Belfry, KY