NARIKA_December Campaign


Forums / Early Childhood / Science Center Ideas

Early Childhood

Science Center Ideas

Author Post
Cassidy Staudt Cassidy Staudt 1011 Points

Hi everyone, I am studying to be an elementary teacher with the hope to teach pre-k or kindergarten. I am wondering if you have a designated science center all year? If so, what types of activities or jobs do you have in your science center for students to do?

-Cassidy Staudt

Wartburg College

Toni Bush Toni Bush 1805 Points

Hello Staudt,

Yes, we had a science center all year but with different themes for the year. We had things for physical, environmental, and chemical. We had different types of insects(dead) in magnifying jars. I remeber bringing in this huge wasp nest I found at my church. We had bones(fossils) we would put in the sand table for exploration. We also had food coloring to mix with water. Then there were live plants. The children loved our science center. Also, keep lots and lots of books, paper and pads for them to record their notes. 

Cassidy Staudt Cassidy Staudt 1011 Points

Toni, thank you for sharing these wonderful ideas. I really like the idea of having live plants for them to care for and watch.

Toni Bush Toni Bush 1805 Points

It's my pleasure. That is what we are here to do, help each other.

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