W.W. Norton Co - September 30.2024


Forums / Physical Science / Using Primary Literature (science journal articles) in the High School classroom

Physical Science

Using Primary Literature (science journal articles) in the High School classroom

Author Post
Donald Boonstra Donald Boonstra 8585 Points

I am posting on behalf of a colleague who has been working with AAAS on making science journal articles more accessible for high school classroom use.


Dear Colleagues,


Our research lab is collecting data on the use (or lack of use) of primary scientific literature in high school classrooms.  Anonymous data collected through this survey will help us to develop educator guides and professional development workshops designed to help high school teachers connect primary scientific literature articles to learning standards and school curricula.  We are especially interested in hearing from teachers who do not use primary scientific literature to better understand the specific challenges high school teachers face. 


We ask all interested high school teachers, those currently teaching as well as those who have taught in the past, to please complete the survey.  If you are not a high school teacher, but know someone who is, please forward this message on to them.


The survey can be found here: https://fiu.qualtrics. com/jfe/form/SV_ 8B5zi0km3k8LE7b.  Respondents in our focus group reported taking ~15 minutes to complete the survey.  


Thank you for your time and your help with this survey.  Your feedback and suggestions will be invaluable as we move ahead with our research.



Dr. Melissa McCartney ([email protected]

Dr. Matthew Kararo ([email protected])

Marie Janelle Tacloban ([email protected]




Florida International University

Department of Biological Sciences

STEM Transformation Institute


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