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Forums / Next Generation Science Standards / NGSS Implementation Help

Next Generation Science Standards

NGSS Implementation Help

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Jeremy Davis Jeremy Davis 50 Points

Does anyone have any resources for implementing the NGSS? We are currently looking at creating a timeline for full implementation.

Joseph Schick Joe Schick 14660 Points

I have been looking around for this too I found a few sites that might guide you in the right direction...

Katie Weiss Kathleen Graf 435 Points

Joe, I have found a few resources helpful, including 1. Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS: A Professional Development Facilitator's Guide and 2. Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction Also, I have been delving into the implementation process myself and am blogging my "journey" along the way. Feel free to check out my process/mistakes/successes at: Best of luck and let me know if you have any questions! Katie Graf HS Science Teacher, Iowa

Paula Webb Paula Webb 875 Points

The new webinar Evaluating Resources for NGSS: using the equip rubric was very helpful and gave examples of lessons.

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