Does anyone have any resources for implementing the NGSS? We are currently looking at creating a timeline for full implementation.
I have been looking around for this too I found a few sites that might guide you in the right direction...
Joe, I have found a few resources helpful, including 1. Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS: A Professional Development Facilitator's Guide and 2. Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction Also, I have been delving into the implementation process myself and am blogging my "journey" along the way. Feel free to check out my process/mistakes/successes at: Best of luck and let me know if you have any questions! Katie Graf HS Science Teacher, Iowa
The new webinar Evaluating Resources for NGSS: using the equip rubric was very helpful and gave examples of lessons.
Evaluating Resources for NGSS: The EQuIP Rubric 7-29-2014 (External Website)
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