Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / General Science and Teaching / Integrating Inquiry-Based Activities

General Science and Teaching

Integrating Inquiry-Based Activities

Author Post
Riley Meyer Riley Meyer 665 Points

Hi, I’m Riley Meyer, a pre-service teacher specializing in elementary and middle school science education. I’m always looking for ways to make science lessons engaging and impactful for students. How can I effectively integrate hands-on, inquiry-based activities into my general science lessons while ensuring they align with the NGSS and remain manageable in terms of time and resources?

Emily Martin Emily Martin 2443 Points

Hi Riley!

I think what is most important about creating impactful and hands-on activities for our students is truly understanding three dimentional learning. Being knowledgeable about DCI, SEP and CCC can help boost your instruction and lesson development. For example, if you're teaching about ecosystems in middle school, the DCI might focus on interactions between organisms and their environment. An inquiry-based activity could involve students collecting data from a local habitat to explore how various factors (like temperature or light) affect plant growth. This supports the NGSS’s focus on life science while allowing students to investigate and analyze the results. I hope this helps! Good luck!

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