Are you interested in earning a $25 Amazon gift card?Are you a secondary general education teacher? Have you been teaching students with disabilities (with IEPs) for 2 or more years? Do you want to help a doctoral student complete their dissertation by volunteering to meet with them for a 30–45-minute Zoom interview? If you answered yes to these questions keep reading-PLEASE!!! My name is Cinthia Taylor. I am a doctoral candidate in the School of Education at Touro University Nevada. I am conducting a study titled ‘Secondary General Education Teachers’ Perceptions of the Successes, Challenges, and Training for Working with Students with Disabilities.’ If you want to volunteer for my dissertation study and get the $25 gift card, all you need to do is click on the link below to be brought to the informed consent form. Once you accept the terms of the informed consent you can provide a few days and times convenient for a 30-45-minute Zoom interview and an email address to end the Zoom link and gift card. All interview results will be written using pseudonyms and only the audio portion will be recorded. Your participation would be voluntary, and you could end the interview at any time or skip any questions. I would be so grateful for your support. Please also feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone else you know who fits the study participant criteria above and would like a $25 gift card for their participation. If you have any questions please contact me, Cinthia Taylor at [email protected]or my dissertation advisor, Dr. Patricia Mitchell at [email protected]. Your participation will be greatly appreciated!
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