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Forums / STEM / CS teacher in secondary education including science into CS courses


CS teacher in secondary education including science into CS courses

Author Post
Robert Sneller Robert Sneller 620 Points

I am a computer science high school teacher and I teach 9-12 grade students. I wanted to see what kind of helpful STEM activities others use to incorporate general science into my course. I have created some that include the scientific process, for example, for planning and creating a computer program. 

Torrey Wenger Torrey Wenger 907 Points

I would look at the crosscutting concepts & the science & engineering practices. What fits best is making models of situations. There are several performance expectations that say something like "make a basic computer simulation of ___". (Sorry, I'm on my phone so I can't provide links.) You could also challenge them to reverse engineer a complicated model, like weather forecasts. Chat with the science teachers in your building about what's hard for them to incorporate & see if you can work together.

Carlos De la Camara Carlos De la Camara 205 Points

Have you considered creating a project into a science/engineering fair submission? There are great opportunities in this realm once you are done.

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