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New teachers and STEM

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Danielle Gibb Danielle Gibb 1215 Points

Hi friends! 

I am a graduate student at Tennessee Technological University in hopes of becoming a primary grade teacher. I currently work at a school that doesn't press education in STEM. What are some questions I should ask future employers to ensure I start my teaching career at a school that takes STEM seriously? 

Kelly Carroll Kelly Carroll 955 Points

Hello Danielle, 

Some of the questions that I think you could ask a future employer would be:

How does your school integrate STEM into the curriculum?

How do you implement the areas of Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics to develop your student's skills in problem-solving, critical analysis, and creativity?

In what ways do these subjects overlap in your curriculum and how do you utilize the best content and skills that can be developed from both?

Jamie Alvis Jamie Alvis 2390 Points

I agree that you should ask about the implententation of STEM within your school. I know that a lot of schools will hold parent nights that invite parents and students to a night of STEM activites. I also think it would be great to ask about overlapping. There is so much that is taught in both science and ELA that overlap with each other.

Jamie Alvis Jamie Alvis 2390 Points

I agree that you should ask about the implententation of STEM within your school. I know that a lot of schools will hold parent nights that invite parents and students to a night of STEM activites. I also think it would be great to ask about overlapping. There is so much that is taught in both science and ELA that overlap with each other.

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