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Next Generation Science Standards

NGSS Crosscutting Concepts

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Mollie White Mollie White 1560 Points

Hello, I'm Mollie White! I attend Henderson State University in Arkansas. I plan to teach K-6 one day! I love expanding my knowledge when it regards to anything about education! My question pertains to Next Generation Science Standards in the classroom and how can I feel more confident as a future teacher with crosscutting concepts in NGSS?

Matt Bobrowsky Matt Bobrowsky 6445 Points

Hi, Mollie.

An important crosscutting concept is energy.  I write the 'Science 101' column in Science and Children (Do you read it?), and in a recent issue, I had an article about energy.  You might find that helpful.


Michael Aprill Michael Aprill 885 Points

Mollie, here is a nice article on integrating crosscutting concepts into teaching:

It uses garbage, what kid doesn't love looking through garbage. They get to practice patterns AND systems & system models. 


Kalani Eggington Kalani Eggington 80 Points

Mollie - thanks for starting this thread.  I teach an elementary education science methods course at a university and find that my pre-service teachers struggle with understanding the seven CCCs.  I really like the article that Mike suggested.  Thanks, Mike!!  I've saved it in my library and I think I'll incorporate this garbage activity and the article next semester.  


Stacy Sharp-Adamson Stacy Adamson 100 Points

Mollie- I think you are heading in the right direction. I believe that it is very important to be intentional when planning lessons to include the CCC.


Stacy Sharp-Adamson Stacy Adamson 100 Points

I began this year by introducing the CCC. We did a lab each day where the focus was understanding how scientist use the CCC to help them learn. It went really well! One student even said they were going to an 'open system' when it was time for recess. We have one more- structure and function- Monday.


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