NARIKA_December Campaign


Forums / Pre-service Teachers / Advise for a Future Bilingual Teacher

Pre-service Teachers

Advise for a Future Bilingual Teacher

Author Post
Stephanie Castro Stephanie Castro 790 Points

As a Bilingual Teacher, what do you all recommend first-time teachers should focus on?

Is there anything you would've done differently when you first started teaching? 

I love science and teaching it to my future students is something I am very excited to share with them. I hope any advise will help me give my future students a fun and exciting learning experience!

Luis Gonzalez Luis Gonzalez 500 Points

Hi Stephanie,

I am still in university, and I am also striving to become a bilingual teacher. I think whenever we begin teaching, we should work on establishing a low affective filter in our classroom in order for our students to feel safe and comfortable with us. All students need to feel safe and comfortable with their teachers before they are able to learn. I hope this helps!

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