Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Elementary Science

Author Post
Sheila Falgout Sheila Falgout 900 Points

I am looking for some good ideas for inquiry based activities in the study of life science at a 1st grade level. Thanks!

Ariel Starks Ariel Starks 385 Points

Found this online, has some interesting lesson plans. Other inquiry based lessons could be looking at a particular life cycle (frog, beetle, butterfly). Water uptake of Plants (carnations and food love this!) Camouflage (scavenger Hunt): Have students make animals that look like the surroundings of your school. You can go out and hide them and see how many the students can locate, discuss what worked and did not.

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68645 Points OER commons is a great resource from the department of Ed This online, inquiry based curriculum provide K-5 grade teachers and their students with detailed lesson plans that are based on the 5E model, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate (Bybee, 2009), and is aligned to Texas state standards. There is background reading for teachers, visual planning guides,

Sheila Falgout Sheila Falgout 900 Points

This sounds like exactly what I am looking for. Thank you so much for sharing!

Hi Sheila, One excellent education website is which focuses on reading comprehension. Also, (Jefferson Laboratory)is a good site for science questions/answers, and it has a kid's zone with interactive science games. I hope that these sites are found to be useful. Deborah

Sue Garcia Sue Garcia 42675 Points

Shiela, Have you ever used the "advanced search" in the Learning Resources & Opportunities Tab? Go into Journals and select the "advanced search" on the left side of the window. In Keyword, type: Life Science Inquiry, then select "Elementry", then search. I found several articles (starting about the middle of the pages/selection)that might be what you are looking for.

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